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New Daily Journal in Bookkeeping reports

We have renewed the Daily Journal in Bookkeeping reports. The new Daily Journal is running after our WeekUpdate 13.1. First the renewal has been mainly technical and offers better performance. New Daily Journal is also more easy to read as the visual look is lighter and for example the cursor highlights the row in question. 

Take the new Daily Ledger in use

You will find the new Daily Ledger report from the new bookkeeping report search page. The old search page does not have the new report because we will remove the old search page on 27.1. New bookkeeping report search page includes all the necessary functions, so now it’s a good time to take the new search page in use.

Picture 1. New Daily Ledger in Bookkeeping report search page.

CSV-form for saving as a new format

You can save the new Journal report from the title bar of the report. Saving is now possible as a csv-file or as a pdf-file. 

Picture 2. Saving options on the title bar of the report.

As mentioned, Daily ledger is now possible to save also in a csv-format. Different data is located in its own column.

Picture 3. Journal in a csv-format.

Cost objects are manageable from the Journal report

We inserted a toggle -selection on a Journal report. Now you can manage the visibility of the cost objects from the report. 

Picture 4. The visibility of cost objectives is manageable from the report.

If the company is using cost objectives, the cost objectives are visible in a Journal report as a default but you can hide them by using the toggle shown in picture 4. You can also unhide them from the same toggle. Of course if some specific cost objective is searched and used in a report search, the search criterias affect to the result of the search. 

We hope that you start using the new Daily Ledger. You can use the old one until 27th January. At that point we take the old bookkeeping report search page out of use and also the old General Ledger and Daily Ledger are removed. Please give us feedback for developing these further. You can for example comment this Community posting. 

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