Resource: contactperson.nv
HTTP-method: POST
Importing, editing and deleting customer's contact person details.
The data to import is sent with the query as an XML with the following structure:
Level | Element | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | contactperson | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | method | String | 1 | add|edit|delete | |
2 | customeridentifier | Numeric | 1 | Customer's netvisorkey | 12 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | netvisor | netvisor |
2 | contactpersonidentifier | String | 0...1 | Contact person's netvisorkey, if editing or deleting contact person | 1 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | netvisor | netvisor |
2 | isdefault | String | 0...1 | True, sets contact person as default | true |
2 | firstname | String, max. 100 | 1 | First name | Example |
2 | lastname | String, max. 100 | 1 | Last name | Customer |
2 | language | String | 1 | FI|EN|SE | EN |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
2 | phonenumber | Numeric, max. 80 | 0...1 | Phone number | 0401234567 |
2 | String, max. 200 | 0...1 | Email address | [email protected] | |
2 | title | String, max. 200 | 0...1 | Director | |
2 | officeidentifier | String | 0...1 | Contact person's office netvisorkey, reset with value 0 | 4 |
Atrr. | type | String | 1 | netvisor | netvisor |
2 | positionidentifier | String | 0...1 | Contact person's position netvisorkey, reset with value 0 | 1 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | netvisor | netvisor |
2 | contactpersonaddress | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | streetaddress | String, max. 80 | 0...1 | Address | Street 1 |
3 | postnumber | Numeric, max. 50 | 0...1 | Post number | 00100 |
3 | city | String, max. 80 | 0...1 | City | Helsinki |
3 | country | String | 0...1 | Country | Finland |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
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