Resource: extendedproductlist.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Note! If you are using Rackbeat inventory management in Netvisor, the API documentation can be found here:
The resource extendedproductlist.nv can be used to retreive normal products or models but not main products or TEMP-product. You can limit the query using different parameters that can be seen in the table below. You can use this resource even if the company doesn't use extended product management. In this case some element may not be returned because they are not available.
The query returns published products. deleted products are never returned. Unpublished products can be retreived when retreivin the extended produc list with product's NetvisorKey.
Querystring parameters:
Parameter | Occurs | Description | Example |
replyoptions | 0...1 | You can choose what infofmation is returned in addition to basic information. Given with numerical value or flag name. Options and flag names: Price groups - IncludeProductPriceGroups (1) Customer prices- IncludeProductCustomerPrices (2) Distributer purchase information- IncludeDistributerPurchaseInformation (4) Inventory place shelves- IncludeProductInventoryPlaceShelves (8) Shipment information- IncludeProductShipmentInformation (16) Grouping criterias- IncludeProductGroupingCriterias (32) Accounting information - IncludeProductAccountingInformation (64) Dimension information- IncludeProductDimensionInformation (128) Information fields- IncludeProductInformationFields (256) Product references- IncludeProductReferences (512) Properties- IncludeProductProperties (1024) Subproducts- IncludeProductSubProducts (2048) Images- IncludeProductImages (2096) Attachments- IncludeProductAttachments (8192) Set all reply options - SetAllReplyOptions (4294967295) | 3 Returns Price groups and Customer prices. Can be calculated by summing flag values. When using flag names, is given as "IncludeProductPriceGroups, IncludeProductCustomerPrices". As parameter: *.nv?replyoptions=I>ncludeProductPriceGroups, IncludeProductCustomerPrices or *.nv?replyoptions=3 |
searchlanguage | 0...1 | Target retreived keywords to a specific language version. Without extended product management only "fi". Allowed values "fi", "se" and "en". If not given, always "fi". | se |
productnetvisorkeys | 0...1 | List of product NetvisorKey values separated with comma. Can also have only one value. | 7,12 |
productnamekeyword | 0...1 | One keyword to be retreived from the product name. | test |
productcodekeyword | 0...1 | One keyword to be retreived from the productcode. | ABC |
producteancode | 0...1 | Retreived product's ean-code. Compared to primary and secondary ean codes. | |
onlysellableproducts | 0...1 | If the product is sellable. true or false. | true |
onlystoragedproducts | 0...1 | If the product is storaged. Used only with stock management. true or false. | false |
productchangedsince | 0...1 | Has the product been changed since given date and time. One minute accuracy. | 2020-09-17T10:21 |
productgroupnetvisorkeys | 0...1 | List of product group NetvisorKey values separated with comma. Can also have one value. | 7, 20 |
productgroupname | 0...1 | Name of the retreived product group. | Test product |
productgroupnamekeyword | 0...1 | Keyword from the retreivced product group's name. | Test |
productgroupnamefreetext | 0...1 | Name of the retreived product group includes the given parameter value. | product |
excludeproductgroupnamefreetext | 0...1 | Name of the retreived product group doesn includes the given parameter value. | |
productgroupingcriterianame | 0...1 | Grouping criteria name of the retreived products. | Grouping |
productsonpage | 0...1 | Maximum amount of products on page. (1-maximum amount in Netvisor) | 2500 |
page | 0...1 | The number of the returned page. | 2 |
Some of the returned data is returned only if the company uses extended product management, purchase order management or stock management. Otherwise the structure is the same for all companies.
The returned message has max size of 25Mb. If the max limit is being exceeded, the Web Service Interface returns an error with an instruction how to downsize the request. No data is returned before the querystring returns a smaller message.
Using pagination maximum amount of products per message can be set (ProductsOnPage = 1 - max set in Netvisor) and specific page can be retreived (Page = 1 - PageCount). Pages should always be retreived with same parameters. Please note that because product list can be changed at all times, same query can return different response.
Level | Element | Type | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | Products | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | Product | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Product NetvisorKey | 13848 |
3 | ProductCodes | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | ProductCode | Numeric | 1 | Product code | 1 |
4 | ProductPrimaryEanCode | Numeric | 1 | Primary ean-code | |
4 | ProductSecondaryEanCode | Numeric | 1 | Secondary ean-code | |
3 | ProductNameTranslations | Aggr. | 1 | Product name translations | |
4 | Translation | String | 1 | Product name | Test product |
Attr. | Language | String | 1 | FI, SE or EN | EN |
3 | ProductDescriptionTranslations | Aggr. | 1 | Product description translations | |
4 | Translation | String | 1 | Product description | Description |
Attr. | Language | String | 1 | FI, SE or EN | EN |
3 | ProductFeatures | Aggr. | 1 | Product features | |
4 | IsPublishedProduct | String | 1 | Is the product published, true or false | true |
4 | IsSellableProduct | String | 1 | Is the product sellable, true or false | true |
4 | IsStorageProduct | String | 1 | Is the product storaged true or false | false |
4 | IsProductStructureProduct | String | 1 | Is the product a structure product, true or false | false |
4 | IsModel | String | 1 | Is to product a model, true or false | false |
4 | IsSummaryOfProducts | String | 1 | Is the product summary of products, true or false | false |
4 | LastChangedDate | Date | 1 | Last modified time stamp | 2021-03-23 09:30 |
Attr. | Format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
3 | ProductGroup | Aggr. | 1 | Product group | |
4 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Product group NetvisorKey | 5 |
4 | ProductGroupTranslations | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product group translations | |
5 | Translation | String | 0...1 | Product group name | Product group |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | FI, EN or SE | EN |
3 | ProductUnit | Aggr. | 1 | Product unit details | |
4 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Unit NetvisorKey | 10 |
4 | ProductUnitTranslations | Aggr. | 0...1 | Unit translations | |
5 | Translation | String | 0...1 | Unit name | pcs |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | FI, EN or SE | EN |
3 | ProductPriceInformation | Aggr. | 1 | Product price information | |
4 | DefaultNetPrice | Numeric | 1 | Product net price | 5,00 |
4 | DefaultGrossPrice | Numeric | 1 | Product gross price | 5,00 |
4 | Vat | Agge. | 1 | Product VAT | |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | VAT base NetvisorKey | 1 |
5 | Percentage | Numeric | 1 | VAT percentage | 0 |
4 | PriceMargin | Numeric | 1 | Price margin | 8,00 |
4 | ProvisionPercentage | Numeric | 1 | Provision percentage | 2,00 |
4 | PriceGroups | Aggr. | 0...n | Price groups | |
5 | Group | Aggr. | 1 | ||
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Price group NetvisorKey | 7 |
6 | PriceGroupName | String | 1 | Price group name | Price group |
6 | NetPrice | Numeric | 1 | Net price | 7,00 |
6 | GrossPrice | Numeric | 1 | Gross price | 9,00 |
4 | CustomerPrices | Aggr. | 0...n | Customer prices | |
5 | Customer | Aggr. | 1 | Customer | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Customer NetvisorKey | 11 |
6 | CustomerCode | Numeric | 1 | Customer code | 1000 |
6 | CustomerName | String | 1 | Customer name | Customer |
6 | NetPrice | Numeric | 1 | Customer net price | 6,50 |
6 | GrossPrice | Numeric | 1 | Customer gross price | 8,05 |
3 | ProductPurchaseInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Purchase information | |
4 | DefaultPurchasePrice | Numeric | 1 | Purchase price | 2,50 |
4 | DistirbuterPurchaseInformations | Aggr. | 0...1 | Distributer purchase information | |
5 | Distributer | Aggr. | 1 | Distributer | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Distributer NetvisorKey | 33587 |
6 | DistributerCode | Numeric | 1 | Distributer code | 855 |
6 | DistributerName | String | 1 | Distributer name | Distributer |
6 | DistributerProductCode | String | 1 | Distributer product code | abc |
6 | DistributerProductName | String | 1 | Distributer product name | Name |
6 | PurchasePrice | Numeric | 1 | Distributer purchase price | 1,50 |
6 | CurrencyAbbreviation | String | 1 | Distributer currency | SEK |
3 | ProductStorageInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Storage information | |
4 | DefaultInvetoryPlace | Aggr. | 1 | Default inventory place | |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Inventory NetvisorKey | 17 |
5 | InventoryPlaceName | String | 0...1 | Inventory name | Warehouse |
4 | InventoryPlaceShelves | Aggr. | 0...1 | Inventory place shelves | |
5 | InventoryPlaceShelve | Aggr. | 1 | Inventory place shelve | |
6 | InventoryPlaceNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Inventory place NetvisorKey | 22 |
6 | InventoryPlaceName | String | 1 | Inventory place name | Warehouse 1 |
6 | ShelveNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Shelve NetvisorKey | 31 |
6 | ShelveName | String | 1 | Shelve name | Shelve 1 |
4 | AlertLimit | Numeric | 1 | Alert limit | 10 |
4 | CustomsTariffHeader | String | 1 | Customs tariff header | Code |
4 | ProductBatchLinkingMode | Aggr. | 0...1 | Batch linking mode | |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Batch linking mode NetvisorKey | 4 |
5 | Definition | String | 1 | Batch linking mode definition | OldestFirstByValueDate |
3 | ProductShipmentInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product shipment information | |
4 | DefaultProductCountryOfOrigin | String | 1 | Product country of origin | SE |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
4 | ProductNetWeight | Numeric | 1 | Product net weight | 0 |
Attr. | unit | String | 1 | Weight unit | g |
4 | ProductGrossWeigh | Numeric | 1 | Product gross weight | 0 |
Attr. | unit | String | 1 | Weight unit | g |
4 | ProductPackageWidth | Numeric | 1 | Product package width | 0 |
Attr. | unit | String | 1 | Width unit | cm |
4 | ProductPackageHeight | Numeric | 1 | Product package height | 0 |
Attr. | unit | String | 1 | Height unit | cm |
4 | ProductPackageLength | Numeric | 1 | Product package length | 0 |
Attr. | unit | String | 1 | Length unit | cm |
3 | ProductGroupingCriterias | Aggr. | 0..n | Grouping criterias | |
4 | Translation | String | 1 | Grouping criteria name | TestGroup |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | FI, EN or SE | EN |
3 | ProductAccountInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Account information | |
4 | DefaultDomesticAccountNumber | Numeric | 1 | Domestic sales account number | 3000 |
4 | DefaultEuAccountNumber | Numeric | 1 | EU sales account number | 3360 |
4 | DefaultOutsideEUAccountNumber | Numeric | 1 | Outside EU sales account number | 3380 |
4 | DefaultInventoryAccountNumber | Numeric | 1 | Inventory account number | 1521 |
3 | ProductDimensionInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product dimension information | |
4 | Dimension | Aggr. | 1 | ||
5 | NameNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Dimension header NetvisorKey | 2 |
5 | DimensionNameName | String | 1 | Dimension header name | Dimension header |
5 | DetailNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Dimension detail NetvisorKey | 15 |
5 | DimensionDetailName | String | 1 | Dimension detail name | Dimension |
3 | ProductInformationFields | Aggr. | 0...n | Product information fields | |
4 | InformationField | Aggr. | 1 | Product information field | |
5 | InformationFieldName | String | 1 | Information field name | Information field |
5 | InformationFieldItemValue | String | 1 | Information field value | 24 |
3 | ProductReferences | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product references | |
4 | RelatedProducts | Aggr. | 0...n | Related products | |
5 | Product | Aggr. | 1 | Related product | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Related product NetvisorKey | 5 |
6 | ProductCode | Numeric | 1 | Related product code | 1000 |
6 | ProductNameTranslations | Aggr. | 1 | Related product name translations | |
7 | Translation | String | 1 | Related product name | Product 7 |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | FI, EN or SE | EN |
4 | ComplementaryProducts | Aggr. | 0...n | Complementary products | |
5 | Product | Aggr. | 1 | Complementary product | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Complementary product NetvisorKey | 13 |
6 | ProductCode | Numeric | 1 | Complementary product code | 2005 |
6 | ProductNameTranslations | Aggr. | 1 | Complementary product translations | |
7 | Translation | String | 1 | Complementary product name | Product 10 |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | FI, EN or SE | EN |
3 | ProductProperties | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product properties | |
4 | Property | Aggr. | 0...n | Property | |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Property NetvisorKey | 88 |
5 | PropertyTranslations | Aggr. | 1 | Property translations | |
6 | Translation | String | 1 | Property name | |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | Fi, EN or SE | FI |
5 | PropertyValues | Aggr. | 0...1 | Property values | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Value NetvisorKey | 70 |
6 | PropertyValueTranslations | Aggr. | 1 | Value translations | |
7 | Translation | String | 1 | Value name | |
Attr. | language | String | 1 | FI, EN or SE | FI |
3 | SubProductInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Subproducts | |
4 | Parents | Aggr. | 0...n | Parents | |
5 | Product | Aggr. | 1 | Parent product | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Parent product NetvisorKey | 55 |
6 | Amount | Numeric | 1 | Amount | 25 |
6 | PurchasePriceChange | Numeric | 1 | Purchase price change | |
6 | UnitPriceChange | Numeric | 1 | Unit price change | |
4 | Children | Aggr. | 1 | Children | |
5 | Product | Aggr. | 1 | Child product | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Child product NetvisorKey | 47 |
6 | Amount | Numeric | 1 | Amount | 20 |
6 | PurchasePriceChange | Numeric | 1 | Purchase price change | |
6 | UnitPriceChange | Numeric | 1 | Unit price change | |
3 | ProductImages | Aggr. | 1 | Product images | |
4 | Image | Aggr. | 0...n | Product image | |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Image NetvisorKey | 12 |
5 | IsDefaultImage | String | 1 | Is the image product default image, true or false | false |
5 | MimeType | String | 1 | Image mime-type | image/jpeg |
5 | Title | String | 1 | Caption | Caption |
5 | FileName | String | 1 | Image file name | berlin-attractions-map-large.jpg |
5 | LastEditedDate | Date | 1 | Last modified time stamp | 2021-09-24 23:08 |
3 | ProductAttachments | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product attachments | |
4 | Attachment | Aggr. | 0...n | Product attachment | |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Attachment NetvisorKey | 10 |
5 | MimeType | String | 1 | Attachment mime-type | document/pdf |
5 | FileName | String | 1 | Attachment | berlin-attractions-map-large.pdf |
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