Recourse: getsalesinvoice.nv or getorder.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Before a sales invoice can be retrieved, a list of sales invoices must be requested for the id of the wanted invoice. With the id, specific information can be retrieved one at a time. If user has modified the arrangement of the invoice's invoice rows in the Netvisor user interface, request retains that arrangement.
Same resource can be used to retrieve sales order. Follows same structure as salesinvoice and same parameters can be used.
Querystring parameters:
Parameter name | Occurs | Description | Example |
netvisorkey | 1 | Invoice identifier of the salesinvoice | 125 |
pdfimage | 0...1 | If the parameter is not given, the response is the same as pdfimage=lastsentprintservice lastsentprintservice returns the image of the sales invoice as a PDF-file (element: LastSentInvoicePDFBase64Data) if the sales invoice is sent to the printing service Returns the image of the sales invoice as a PDF file (element: LastSentInvoicePDFBase64Data) nopdf Doesn't return anything | |
showprocesshistory | 0...1 | Returns the sending and printing history of the sales invoice in ProcessHistory-element | 1 |
includeattachments | 0...1 | Returns all the attachments in Base64-encoding | 1 |
showcommentlines | 0...1 | Returns invoice's comment rows inside Invoiceline aggregate | 1 |
netvisorkeylist | 0...1 | Can be used to get the full details of several invoices with given id. Max. 500 identifiers. *See below how the response differs from others with this parameter | 1,2,3 |
includedocuments | 0...1 | When getting salesinvoice, returns orders related to the invoice. When getting salesorder, returns invoices related to the order. | 1 |
replyoption | 0...1 | Returns additional fields in response as follows: with value 1: Events value 2: Accrual value 3: Events + Accrual value 4: Factoring value 5: Events + Factoring value 8: PaymentPlan Value 16: CreditedInvoice NetvisorKey andInvoiceNumber Value 31: Includes all additional fields |
Example: getsalesinvoice.nv?netvisorkey=1234&pdfimage=pdf&showprocesshistory=1
Example: getorder.nv?netvisorkey=1234&pdfimage=pdf&showprocesshistory=1
Level | Element name | Type and legth | Occurs | Description | Example |
root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | SalesInvoice | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | SalesInvoiceNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Invoice Netvisor ID | |
2 | SalesInvoiceNumber | String | 1 | Invoice number | |
2 | SalesInvoiceDate | Date | 1 | Invoice date | 2021-01-27 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
2 | SalesInvoiceEventDate | Date | 1 | Invoice event date | 2021-02-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Event date format, always ansi | ansi |
2 | SalesInvoiceValueDate | Date | 1 | Invoice's Valuedate | 2021-01-27 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
2 | SalesInvoiceDeliveryDate | Date | 1 | Invoice's date of delivery | 2021-01-27 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Always ansi | ansi |
2 | SalesInvoiceDueDate | Date | 1 | Invoice's due date | 2021-01-27 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Always ansi | ansi |
2 | SalesInvoiceReferencenumber | String | 1 | Invoice's reference number | 7659221 |
2 | SalesInvoiceAmount | Numeric | 1 | Invoice total | 124,50 |
Attr. | iso4217currencycode | String | 0...1 | Currency used in invoice | USD |
Attr. | currencyrate | Numeric | 0...1 | Currency conversion rate | 0,91 |
2 | ForeignCurrencyAmount | Numeric | 0...1 | Currency amount | 113,29 |
2 | SalesInvoiceCollectionCost | Numeric | Collection charges | 10,00 | |
2 | SellerIdentifier | String | 1 | Indentifier of the seller (name) | Matti Meikäläinen |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always name meaning that element SellerIdentifier is name of seller | name |
2 | InvoiceStatus | String | 1 | Status of the invoice/order | Maksettu |
Attr. | status | String | 1 | Status code of the invoice/order: Invoice: open, paid, unsent, overdue, reminded, requested, collected, creditloss or rejected Order: archived, undelivered, delivered, billed | paid |
2 | InvoiceVoucher | String | 0...1 | Invoice voucher number | 27 |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | Voucher Netvisor ID | 8000 |
2 | SalesInvoiceFreeTextBeforeLines | String | 1 | Free text before invoice lines | |
2 | SalesInvoiceFreeTextAfterLines | String | 1 | Free text after Invoice lines | |
2 | SalesInvoiceOurReference | String | 1 | Our refence | |
2 | SalesInvoiceYourReference | String | 1 | Your reference | |
2 | SalesInvoicePrivateComment | String | 1 | Comment that will not be visible on the invoice | |
2 | SalesInvoiceAgreementIdentifier | String | 1 | Contract ID | |
2 | InvoicingCustomerCode | String | 1 | Customer's Code | |
2 | InvoicingCustomerName | String | 1 | Customer's Name | |
2 | InvoicingCustomerNameExtension | String | 1 | Customer's Name Extension | |
2 | InvoicingCustomerNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Customer's Netvisor Key/ID | |
2 | InvoicingCustomerOrganizationIdentifier | String | 1 | Customer's Organization identifier | If customer is private customer, field will be empty. |
2 | InvoicingCustomerAddressline | String | 1 | Customer's Address | PL 316 |
2 | InvoicingCustomerAdditionalAddressLine | String | 1 | Customer's Adress, additional line | |
2 | InvoicingCustomerPostnumber | String | 1 | Customer's Post Number | 50123 |
2 | InvoicingCustomerTown | String | 1 | Customer's City | Lappeenranta |
2 | InvoicingCustomerCountryCode | String | 1 | Customer's Country code | FINLAND |
2 | InvoicingCustomerInCollectionProhibitation | Numeric | 1 | Customer in collection prohibition, 1=yes, 0=no | |
2 | MatchPartialPaymentsByDefault | String | 1 | Yes or No | Yes |
2 | DeliveryAddressName | String | 1 | Name for the delivery | |
2 | DeliveryAddressLine | String | 1 | Address of the delivery | |
2 | DeliveryAddressPostnumber | String | 1 | Post number of the delivery | |
2 | DeliveryAddressTown | String | 1 | City of the delivery | |
2 | DeliveryAddressCountryCode | String | 1 | Country code for the delivery | |
2 | DeliveryMethod | String | 1 | Method of delivery | Delivered |
2 | DeliveryTerm | String | 1 | Terms of delivery | Free Deliverer |
2 | PaymentTermNetDays | String | 1 | Days for the terms of payment. If payment term is due date this will return empty value | 11 |
2 | PaymentTermCashDiscountDays | String | 1 | Days for cash discount. If payment term is due date this will return empty value | 5 |
2 | PaymentTermCashDiscount | String | 1 | Amount of cash discount. If payment term is due date this will return empty value | 10 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always percentage | percentage |
2 | PaymentInterest | String | 1 | Penalty interest | 5 |
2 | Waybillidentifier | String | 1 | Waybill number | 033000050143 |
2 | DeliveryToCustomerDate | String | 0...1 | Sales order delivery to customer date | 2020-10-13 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Delivery date format, always ansi | ansi |
2 | DeliveryToCustomerWeek | String | 0...1 | Sales order delivery to customer week | 42/2020 |
2 | TaxHandlingClause | String | 0...1 | Sales invoice tax handling clause | AVL 8 c §, käännetty verovelvollisuus |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | Tax handling clause's NetvisorID | 14 |
2 | DeliveryOfficeIdentifier | Numeric | 1 | ||
2 | ContactPersonNetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Contact person's NetvisorID | 123 |
2 | ContactPersonFirstName | String | 0...1 | Contact person's first name | Matti |
2 | ContactPersonLastName | String | 0...1 | Contact person's last name | Meikäläinen |
2 | ContactPersonPhoneNumber | Numeric | 0...1 | Contact person's phone number | 050-1234567 |
2 | ContactPersonEmail | String | 0...1 | Contact person's email address | [email protected] |
2 | LastSentInvoicePDFBase64Data | Base64 | 0...1 | PDF information of previously sent invoice | S89O3Ly1Lr59NB |
2 | CreditedInvoiceNetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Netvisorkey of the credited invoice | 27 |
2 | InvoiceLines | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | InvoiceLine | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | SalesInvoiceProductLine | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
5 | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | Id of the product line | 17536 |
5 | ProductIdentifier | String | 1 | Id of the product | TEMP1 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always customer | customer |
5 | ProductName | String | 1 | Name of the product | Example product |
5 | ProductNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Netvisor Key/ID of the product | |
5 | ProductUnitPrice | Numeric | 1 | Unit price of the product | 7,00 |
5 | ProductPurchasePrice | Numeric | 1 | Purchase price of the product | |
5 | ProductVatPercentage | String | 1 | VAT percentage of the product | 24 |
Attr. | VatCode | String | 1 | VAT code | KOMY |
5 | ProductPrimaryEanCode | String | 1 | Primary EAN code | |
5 | ProductSecondaryEanCode | String | 1 | Secondary EAN code | |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineQuantity | Numeric | 1 | Quantity of product | |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineUnit | String | 1 | Unit of product | kpl |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineDeliveryDate | Date | 0...1 | Sales order line delivery date | 2021-04-16 |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineDiscountPercentage | Numeric | 1 | Discount percentage | |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineFreeText | String | 1 | Free text for line | |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineVatSum | Numeric | 1 | Line vat sum rounded to two decimals | 1,68 |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineSum | Numeric | 1 | Line sum rounded to two decimals | 8,68 |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineInventoryID | Numeric | 1 | Warehouse ID of product | 1 |
5 | SalesInvoiceProductLineInventoryName | String | 1 | Warehouse name of product | Example warehouse |
5 | AccountingAccountSuggestion | Numeric | 1 | Posting suggestion, account NetvisorID | 551 |
5 | AccountingAccountSuggestionAccountNumber | Numeric | 1 | Posting | |
5 | dimension | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
6 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Dimension header | City |
6 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Dimension name | Helsinki |
5 | ProvisionPercentage | Numeric | 1 | Provision percentage | 12 |
4 | SalesInvoiceCommentLine | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
5 | Comment | String | 1 | Comment line | Comment |
3 | SalesInvoiceAttachments | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
4 | SalesinvoiceAttachment | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
5 | mimetype | String | 1 | Contents file format | image/jpeg |
5 | attachmentdescription | String | 1 | Description of attachment | |
5 | filename | String | 1 | Filename | Example_picture.jpg |
5 | documentdata | Base64 | 1 | Attachment in Base64-encoding | S89O3Ly1Lr59NBS89 |
3 | documents | Aggr. | 1 | Invoices/orders related to the order/invoice | |
4 | salesorder | Aggr. | 1...n | Note! If getorder.nv is used, the element name is salesinvoice | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Netvisor ID of order related to the invoice / Netvisor ID of invoice related to the order | 12345 |
4 | ordernumber | Numeric | 1 | Number of order related to the invoice / Number of invoice related to the order Note! If getorder.nv is used, the element name is invoicenumber | 1001 |
3 | Events | Aggr. | 1 | Shipment and status information related to the invoice (processing history records) | The aggregate will only appear in the response when the replyoption parameter is set to 1 |
4 | Event | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
5 | Timestamp | Date + Time | 1 | Date and time of entry | 2023-11-07 18:25:25.717 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Type of the date | ansi |
5 | UserName | String | 1 | Name of the user who performed the operation | Example Person |
5 | Description | String | 1 | Description of the entry | Invoice created |
Attr. | Type | String | 1 | Type of the entry | StatusAndDeliveryInformation |
3 | Accrual | Aggr. | 1 | Sales invoice accrual information | The aggregate will only appear in the response if the replyoption parameter is set to 2 |
4 | DivisonCurve | String | 1 | Name of the division curve | One month |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Netvisorkey of the division curve | 1 |
4 | StartMonth | Numeric | 1 | Start month of the accrual | 6 |
4 | StartYear | Numeric | 1 | Start year of the accrual | 2024 |
4 | EndMonth | Numeric | 1 | End month of the accrual | 6 |
4 | EndYear | Numeric | 1 | End year of the accrual | 2024 |
3 | FactoringAccount | String | 1 | Name of the factoring account | Factoring |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Netvisorkey of the factoring account | 1 |
3 | PaymentPlan | Aggr. | 1 | Sales invoice payment plan | The aggregate will only appear in the response if the replyoption parameter is set to 8 |
4 | Payment | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
5 | DueDate | Date | 1 | Instalment due date | 2024-06-25 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Format of the date | ansi |
5 | Sum | Numeric | 1 | Instalment sum | 46,75 |
*If the parameter netvisorkeylist is used and the response returns more than one sales invoice, one SalesInvoices aggregate is added to the response, otherwise the response follows the same pattern:
Level | Element name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | SalesInvoices | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | SalesInvoice | Aggr. | 1..n | ||
3 | SalesInvoiceNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Netvisor ID of invoice | 1234 |
Päivämäärä | Muutos | Kuvaus |
12.12.2024 | Adding new element | InvoicingCustomerInCollectionProhibitation Customer in collection prohibition, 1=yes, 0=no |
30.9.2024 | Added replyoption value 16 and 31 | 16 returns credit note number and 31 returns all values |
25.6.2024 | Adding new element | Replyoption parameter can now be used to return more aggregates in the response: Invoice processing history entries Accrual information Factoring account name Payment plan set for the incoice |
20.6.2024 | Adding new element | Added PaymentInterest element - late payment interest on invoice |
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