
Preconditions for utilizing Smart Excel tables

Generating Excel ID's


Using Smart Excel tables


Netvisor has developed Smart Excel tables for moving data from external systems to Netvisor. These tables utilize VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) scripts which enable different functions. All the tables contain build-in functionalities for importing data. The import itself is done by using Netvisor API service. You can use Smart Excel tables for importing accounting, payslips and working time materials as well as sales invoices with status open or unsent.


Smart Excel tables are included in all Netvisor service packages and do not generate additional costs. 

Preconditions for utilizing Smart Excel tables

 For using Smart tables the following preconditions must be met:

  • Microsoft Windows operating system
    - iOS or Linux are not supported
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer
    - Office 365 online version is not supported
  • Microsoft .NET Framework environment
    - Framework version 3.5 or newer

On top of these the user must have the following actions done in Netvisor:

  • The person using the table must have access rights to the company's environment
  • The person must have an active user ID and key (instructions later in the article)
  • The required interface resources must be enabled in Netvisor (select the needed integration and enable the resources)

Generating Excel ID's

Excel ID's are always user specific. You can create IDs only for yourself. The user must have editing rights to at least one of the accounting sections settings. Function specific rights can be accessed from 'Users and roles' page by clicking the wanted users' name.

User specific Excel ID's can be created by opening the company menu from the Netvisor user interface > Data import and export > Smart Excel tables > Create new ID. Once these ID's have been created you should see you user ID and key on a box below. With them is a countdown watch which indicates how long the ID's are still active. After eight (8) hours the ID's will automatically expire.

You can create new IDs even tough the old ones would still have time left. This action will automatically expire the old IDs. In other words one user can only have one set of active ID's at a time.

If the ID's have expired, Netvisor will return error message "Virhe tietojen käsittelyssä: FAILED AUTHENTICATION_FAILED :: Tunnukset eivät kelpaa älykkään Excel-lomakkeen tuontiin. Luo Excel-lomakkeille tarkoitetut lyhytkestoiset tunnukset sivuilla Yritysvalikko > Älykkäät Excel-lomakkeet".

User ID's can also be found behind company menu > API > API and identifiers.


Smart Excel Tables are available at  Netvisor company menu  > Data import and export > Smart Excel tables and by clicking the correct link.

Using Smart Excel tables

Once you have successfully done all the required steps presented in this article and downloaded the needed table you can beging the data import with the following actions:

  1. Activate the macros 
  2. Add or copy the import data to the table without formatting. Do not change the layout or settings of the form as this will break the functionalities and the import will not work. Make sure that the right information is in the right column.
  3. Add or copy your ID's from Netvisor (see instructions above ) to correct fields in the table without formatting.
    • Note! Company business ID must match with the one on Netvisor
    • User ID: e.g TS_1234_123
    • User key: e.g  89D64F2H249367EFA10F34769DDF757A
    • Business ID: e.g 1234567-8


Typical error messages are listed here:

Run-time error

This error cause because of the .NET Framework settings of the computer. Check Preconditions for utilizing Smart Excel tables instructions to solve this error.

Lähetä-button doesn't work

This can be related to three reasons:

First, check your PC's .NET Framework settings according to Preconditions for utilizing Smart Excel tables.

Second, check that macros are enabled in Excel.

Third, check your displays scaling settings. Having multiple displays with different scaling options can cause this malfunction.

Security risk

If Excel shows this error message upon opening a Smart Excel table, then Windows has blocked the use of macros.

The solution to this is to find the file on your PC and in the right click menu select 'Properties'.

Check the Unblock-box in the Security-section:

Click 'OK' and reopen Excel. If you cannot see this checkbox, it could be that your system administrator's group policy prevents you from making this change. In this case, you should consult your own IT support.

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