Resource: purchaseorder.nv
HTTP-method: POST
Purchase orders can be imported over the API to Netvisor. Required information is order number, order date and vendor information. If product lines are included, product code and amount are required, and commentlines require the comment text.
Things to note:
- When editing an order, all existing product- and comment lines are not needed, give only edited and/or new data in the XML.
- Payment term, delivery term and delivery method are searched with the given information, if not found, a new one is created
Querystring parameters:
Parameter | Format | Required | Description | Example |
method | String | Always | Add Import as new order Edit Edit an existing order | |
id | Numeric | If method is edit | ID of the order to edit |
Things to note when using Purchaseorderproductline:
Method | Description |
edit | If used, do not include purchase order productline partial delivery information (purchaseorderproductlinepartialdelivery) and can include only elements which will be edited |
delete | If used, purchase order productline must be empty |
partialdeliver | Used for importing partial delivery rows. If used, must include at least two partial delivery rows (purchaseorderproductlinepartialdeliverycontent). In partial delivery information (purchaseorderproductlinepartialdeliverycontent) the amount of ordered products (orderedamount) must correspond to the ordered amount of the targeted productline amount, which was ordered. |
addtopartialdeliverygroup | Used for adding partial delivery rows. If used, must include at least one partial delivery row (purchaseorderproductlinepartialdeliverycontent). If editing erroneous amount of partially delivered product, you must add new partial delivery row for the rest of the amounts and update some partial delivery row amount with the delivered amount. Partially delivered product amount must correspond to the original purchase order line's product amount. |
Paramateres | Description |
netvisorkey | Mandatory if using other methods than add |
The following describes the XML message to import (POST) a purchase order into Netvisor:
When reading documentation:
* - When creating new purchase order, mandatory
** - When creating new product line, mandatory
Level | Element | Format | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | purchaseorder | Aggr. | 1 | Main order information | |
2 | ordernumber | Integer | 1 | Number of the order | 141128 |
2 | orderstatus | String | 1 | Status of the order proposal - Purchase proposal approved - Approved senttovendor - Sent to vendor waitinginvoice - Link delivery and invoice archived - Archive | approved |
2 | orderdate | Date | 1 | Date of the order | 28.11.2023 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Format of the date, always ansi | ansi |
2 | vendoridentifier | String | 1 | Vendor identification information | 101714 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Identification type netvisor - Netvisor key code - Vendor code organisationidentifier - Vendor's organisation identifie | code |
2 | purchaseordervendordetails | Aggr. | 0...1 | Vendor details | |
3 | address | String | 1 | Vendor's address | |
3 | postnumber | String | 1 | Vendor's post number | |
3 | city | String | 1 | Vendor's post office | |
3 | country | String | 0...1 | Vendor's country's code | |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Country code's type, always ISO-3166 | |
2 | deliveryterm | String | 0...1 | Term of delivery | |
2 | deliverymethod | String | 0...1 | Method of delivery | |
2 | purchaseorderdeliverydetails | String | 0...1 | Delivery details | |
3 | name | String | 0...1 | Recipient of the delivery | |
3 | address | String | 0...1 | Address of the delivery | |
3 | postnumber | String | 0...1 | Post number of the delivery | |
3 | deliverycity | String | 0...1 | Post office of the delivery | |
3 | deliverycountry | String | 0...1 | Country code of the delivery | |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Type of the country code, always ISO-3166 | |
2 | privatecomment | String | 0...1 | Free private comment text. Will not show on printed order | |
2 | comment | String | 0...1 | Free comment text, will show on printed order | |
2 | ourreference | String | 0...1 | Our reference | 1411281 |
2 | currencycode | String | 0...1 | Order's currency code | USD |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Type of the currency code, always ISO-4217 | ISO-4217 |
2 | purchaseorderpaymentterm | Aggr. | 0...1 | Payment term information | |
3 | netdays | Integer | 1 | Payment term net days | 14 |
3 | discountdays | Integer | 1 | Payment term cash discount days | 10 |
3 | discountpercent | Decimal | 1 | Payment term discount percentage | 7,5 |
2 | purchaseorderlines | Aggr. | 0...1* | Order's product lines | |
3 | purchaseorderproductline | Aggr. | 0...n | Order's product line | |
Attr. | method | String | 0...1 | Product line method add - Add new line (default) edit - Edit line delete - Delete line partialdeliver - Partial delivery for line addtopartialdeliverygroup - Add new line for partial delivery group | add (read instructions above) |
Attr. | netvisorkey | Integer | 0...1* | ID of the product line | |
4 | purchaseorderproductlinepartialdelivery | Aggr. | 0...1 | Partial delivery information | |
5 | purchaseorderproductlinepartialdeliverycontent | Aggr. | 1...n | Partial delivery | |
6 | orderedamount | Decimal | 1 | Amount of ordered products | 10,00 |
6 | deliveredamount | Decimal | 1 | Amount of delivered products | 5,00 |
6 | deliveryreceiveddate | Date | 1 | Product delivery date | 2023-12-28 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
6 | deliverymanuallyconfirmed | String | 0...1 | Delivery manually confirmed, even if divergent amount | true or false |
6 | deliveredproductquality | Integer | 0...1 | Delivered product quality | 1 |
6 | inventorybatchnumber | Integer | 0...1 | Delivered product inventory batch number | 1234 |
6 | inventorymanufacturedate | Date | 0...1 | Delivered product's manufacture date | 2023-05-31 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
6 | inventorypackagingdate | Date | 0...1 | Delivered product's packaging date | 2023-06-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
6 | inventorybestbeforedate | Date | 0...1 | Delivered product's best before date | 2023-10-25 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
6 | inventoryexpirydate | Date | 0...1 | Delivered product's expiry date | 2023-10-25 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
4 | productcode | String | 1** | Mandatory, when purchaseorderproductline method = add. Product id, if type attribute not given, line can't be linked to Netvisor's product | 1017 |
Attr. | type | String | 0...1 | Type of indentifier netvisor -NetvisorKey customer - Product code | customer |
4 | vendorproductcode | String | 0...1 | Supplier code for product | TK100 |
4 | vendorproductname | String | 0...1 | Supplier's product name | Product100 |
4 | orderedamount | Decimal | 0...1** | Ordered amount of product | 10,00 |
4 | unitprice | Decimal | 0...1 | Product unit price, VAT excluded | 52,50 |
4 | vatpercent | Decimal | 0...1** | Product VAT percentage | 24 |
4 | freightrate | Decimal | 0...1 | Shipping costs, freight rate | 22,50 |
4 | linecomment | String | 0...1 | Line comment (max. 255 chars.) | |
4 | deliverydate | Date | 0...1** | Product line product's delivery date | 2023-12-09 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
4 | purchaseorderproductlinedeliverydetails | Aggr. | 0...1 | Purchase order product line delivery details | |
5 | deliveredamount | Decimal | 1 | Received/Delivered product amount | 5,0 |
5 | deliveryreceiveddate | Date | 1 | Received/Delivered delivery date | |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
5 | deliverymanuallyconfirmed | String | 0...1 | Delivery manually confirmed, even if divergent amount | true or false |
5 | deliveredproductquality | Integer | 0...1 | Quality of delivered product | |
5 | inventoryplace | String | 0...1 | ID/name of the used warehouse | 12 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Type of warehouse indentifier netvisor - Warehouse NetvisorKey customer - Name of the warehouse | netvisor |
5 | accountingsuggestion | Integer | 0...1 | Suggestion for accounting account. Must be found in the system | 4020 |
4 | purchaseorderproductlinedimensions | Aggr. | 0...1 | Purchase order product line dimension details | |
5 | dimension | Aggr. | 0...n | Productline dimension | |
6 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Dimension header | Hankinta |
6 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Dimension item | Tarvikkeet |
3 | purchaseordercommentline | String | 0...1 | Purchase order comment line | |
Attr. | method | String | 1 | Comment line method add - Add new line edit - Edit current comment delete - Delete line | |
Attr. | netvisorkey | Integer | 0...1 | ID of the commentline | Mandatory, if method edit or delete |
4 | comment | String | 0...1 | Comment text | This is an order |
Please note:
Element | Method | Description |
purchaseordercommentline | delete | If used, element purchaseordercommentline comment must be empty |
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