Resource: getvendor.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Returns vendor information. Vendor information can be retrieved using NetvisorKey or alteration timestamp. Vendors NetvisorKeys can be retrieved over the api by using the alteration timestamp (changedsince) parameter.
Through Netvisor UI NetvisorKey can be obtained when opening the vendor and looking the serch bar, where is id (e.g. id=123).
Parameter | Occurs | Description | Example |
netvisorkey | 1 | Netvisor key of the vendor. The root element in the response is "vendor" | 1 |
netvisorkeylist | 0...1 | Can be used to get the details of several vendors with given id. Note that there should be a vendor with all given IDs, otherwise the API will return an error message. The root element in the response is "vendors" if there are several IDs given. | 1,2,3 |
changedsince | 0...1 | Filters result to contain only vendors having change after given date, date in format YYYY-MM-DD or time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. The root element in the response is "vendors" if there are several IDs given. If there are no changes vendor details, the content of the vendors element is empty. | |
page | 0...1 | Parameter can be used to get vendors in the groups of 500. Each page must be called in a separate request. Page information is included in the response header information e.g. X-Netvisor-Pagination-Current-Page : 2 X-Netvisor-Pagination-Previous-Page : 1 X-Netvisor-Pagination-Next-Page : 3 X-Netvisor-Pagination-Limit : 100 X-Netvisor-Pagination-Total-Count : 1000
| 2 |
Level | Element | Type | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | Vendor | Aggr. | 1 | The root element in the response is "vendor" or "vendors", see parameter descriptions. | |
2 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Vendor's Netvisor Key | 123 |
2 | VendorBaseInformation | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | Code | String | 0...1 | Vendor code | 123 |
3 | Name | String | 1 | Vendor name | Testitoimittaja |
3 | Address | String | 0...1 | Address | Toimittajakatu 1 |
3 | PostCode | String | 0...1 | Postal code | 00100 |
3 | City | String | 0...1 | City | Helsinki |
3 | Country | String | 0...1 | County code | FI |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Type of county code | ISO-3166 |
3 | OrganizationId | String | 0...1 | Business ID (Y-tunnus) | 123456-7 |
3 | GroupName | String | 0...1 | Vendor group | The toimittajat |
3 | VendorBankAccounts | Aggr. | 0...1 | Vendor's bank accounts | |
4 | VendorDomesticBankAccounts | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
5 | VendorDomesticBankAccount | Aggr. | 0...8 | Finnish bank accounts | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Bank account's NetvisorKey | 1 |
6 | IBAN | String | 1 | Account number (IBAN) | FI7536359370000661 |
6 | BankName | String | 1 | Bank name | Testipankki |
6 | IsDefault | String | 0...1 | Use as a default or not | True |
4 | VendorForeignBankAccounts | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
5 | VendorForeignBankAccount | Aggr. | 0...8 | Foreign bank accounts | |
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Bank account's NetvisorKey | 2 |
6 | BBAN | String | 1 | Account number (IBAN) | GB29NWBK60161331926819 |
6 | BicSwift | String | 1 | BIC code | BUKBGB22 |
6 | BankName | String | 1 | Bank name | Barclays |
6 | ClearingCode | String | 0...1 | Clearing code | |
6 | ClearingNumber | String | 0...1 | Clearing number | |
6 | BankAddresss | String | 0...1 | Bank address | Bank Street 1 |
6 | Country | String | 1 | Country code | GB |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Country code type | ISO-3166 |
6 | CurrencyCode | String | 1 | Currency code | GBP |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Currency code type | ISO-4217 |
6 | IsDefault | String | 0...1 | Use as a default or not | False |
6 | IncludeAddresssInForeignPayments | String | 0...1 | Add bank's address information to payment message besides BIC code | True |
2 | VendorContactDetails | Aggr. | 0...1 | Vendor's contact information | |
3 | PhoneNumber | String | 0...1 | Phone number | +35850123456 |
3 | String | 0...1 | [email protected] | ||
3 | FaxNumber | String | 0...1 | Fax | |
3 | ContactPersonName | String | 0...1 | Contact person's name | Timo Testaaja |
3 | ContactPersonPhoneNumber | String | 0...1 | Contact person's phone number | +35840987654 |
3 | ContactPersonEmail | String | 0...1 | Contact person's email | [email protected] |
3 | HomePage | String | 0...1 | Home page | |
3 | Comment | String | 0...1 | Comment | No comments |
2 | VendorAdditionalInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
3 | DefaultVatPercent | Numeric | 0...1 | Default VAT number | 24 |
3 | IsPartialVatReducedPrivileged | String | 0...1 | Partial VAT reduced priviledged | False |
3 | PaymentTerm | Numeric | 0...1 | Default term of payment | 3 |
3 | VendorDimensions | Aggr. | 0...1 | Default dimensions | |
4 | Dimension | Aggr. | 1 | Dimension name | Kohde |
5 | DimensionName | String | 1 | Dimension name | Projects |
5 | DimensionItem | String | 1 | Dimension item | Project 1 |
3 | VendorAccountingAccounts | Aggr. | 0...1 | Vendor accounting accounts | |
4 | VendorAccountingAccount | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
5 | AccountNumber | String | 1 | Account number | 4000 |
5 | AccountName | String | 1 | Account name | Ostot |
5 | IsDefault | String | 1 | Use as a default or not | True |
3 | VendorAcceptanceDetails | Aggr. | 0...1 | Acceptors | |
4 | VendorAcceptanceDetail | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
5 | AcceptanceName | String | 0...1 | Acceptor name | Taaki Tarkastaja |
5 | IsDefault | String | 0...1 | Use as a default or not | False |
5 | IsForced | String | 0...1 |
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