Resource: purchaseinvoicecirculation.nv

HTTP-method: POST

Resource can be used for setting, editing or deleting purchase invoice circulation.

The identification of circulation users is done using email address. If the user has an email address saved in Netvisor's User settings Company-specific exceptions, this email address is used. Users email address has to be unique in the company.

The user set for circulation has to have sufficient Accounts receivable and accounts payable rights in Netvisor to factually verify and/or accept purchase invoices. In addition there shouldn't be a vendor or sum limit that prevents circulation. Note! The API user must have a right for setting purchase invoice's approval circulation in Accounts receivable and accounts payable rights in Netvisor.

The resource can be used to set multiple circulations at the same time in one message. If API responds with "OK", the circulation for all purchase invoices has been set. If API responds with an error, importing purchase invoice circulation failed for all invoices in the same message. ValidDataIdentifier-element is returned for those purchase invoices where importing purchase invoice circulation would have been successfull without the error.

Deleting purchase invoice circulation is done by not importing factual verificators and approver for the invoice.

The last imported factual verficator will be set as invoice's main factual verificator.

If the purchase invoice already has circulation and a user has accepted or factually verified the invoice, the circulation can not be edited via API.

The following describes the XML message to import (POST) purchase invoice circulation into Netvisor:


2purchaseinvoicecirculationAggr.1Circulation for one purchase invoice
3invoiceidentifierAggr.1Purchase invoice identifier, NetvisorID or invoice number
4netvisorkeyNumeric0...1Purchase invoice NetvisorID123
4invoicenumberNumeric0...1Purchase invoice number123
Aggr.0...nCirculation list identifier. If circulation list is set, the user (factual verificator and/or approver) cannot be imported and vice versa.
4netvisorkeyNumeric1Circulation list identifier
3factualverificatorAggr.0...nFactural verificators
4emailString1Email address[email protected]
3approverAggr.0...1Purchase invoice approver
4emailString1Email address[email protected]
3commentString, max 2500...1Comment for handling historyVerificators and approver set by integration X.

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