Resource: patchemployee.nv
HTTP-method: POST
This resource allows to edit an employee's information. Use only those elements which information you want to edit.
Parameter name | Occurs | Description | Example |
identifiertype | 1 | Employee identifier type: netvisorkey, number or personalidentificationnumber | netvisorkey |
identifier | 1 | Employee's identifier | 1 |
Level | Element name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | patchemployee | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | employeebaseinformation | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | companyname | String | 0..1 | Yrityksen nimi | Test Company Oy |
3 | firstname | String, max 50 | 0..1 | Employee's first name | Anna |
3 | lastname | String, max 50 | 0..1 | Employee's last name | Ammattilainen |
3 | phonenumber | String, max 50 | 0..1 | Employee's phone number | 0501234567 |
3 | String, max 100 | 0..1 | Employee's e-mail address | [email protected] | |
2 | employeepayrollinformation | Aggregaatti | 0..1 | ||
3 | streetaddress | String, max 255 | 0..1 | Employee's street address | Keisarinnankatu 1 |
3 | postnumber | String, max 50 | 0..1 | Employee's post number | 56120 |
3 | city | String, max 255 | 0..1 | Employee's post office | Lappeenranta |
3 | municipality | String, max 255 | 0..1 | Employee's municipality | Lappeenranta |
3 | country | String, max 2 | 0..1 | Employee's country code, default fi | fi |
3 | nationality | String, max 2 | 0..1 | Employee's nationality, default fi | se |
3 | language | String, max 2 | 0..1 | Employee's language, default fi | fi |
3 | employeenumber | Numerical | 0..1 | Employee's number | 12 |
3 | payrollrulegroupname | String, max 50 | 0..1 | Employee's payroll group name | Kuukausipalkka, perusmalli |
3 | bankaccountnumber | String, max 34 | 0..1 | Employee's bank account number, IBAN-account number. If given, BIC-code is also mandatory (bankidentificationcode). | FI7179979580007335 |
3 | bankidentificationcode | String, max 20 | 0..1 | Bank BIC-code | NDEAFIHH |
3 | accountingaccountnumber | Numerical | 0..1 | Employee's accounting account number | 1751 |
3 | hierarchy | String | 0..1 | Hierarchy level | Test Company Oy |
Attr. | type | String | 0..1 | Linking type of hierarchy | netvisor - Netvisor ID or customer - If identified by name, name has to be unique |
3 | payslipdeliverymethod | String | 0..1 | Payslip's delivery method | 1 = local printing 2 = printing service 3 = e-salary |
Attr. | type | String | 0..1 | Linking type of delivery method | Attribute type is always netvisor (netvisorkey) |
3 | isjointowner | Numeric | 0..1 | In a shareholder relationship with payer | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isathlete | Numeric | 0..1 | Athlete | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isperformingartist | Numeric | 0..1 | Performing artist | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | employeeinsurancetype | Numeric | 0..1 | Employee pension insurance type | 1=Tyel 2=MYEL 3=YEL 4=No pension insurance |
3 | ispersonworkingonaroadferryonalandislands | Numeric | 0..1 | Person working on a road ferry on Åland Islands | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isentrepreneurwithoptionalyelormyel | Numeric | 0..1 | Entrepreneur, no YEL or MYEL insurance obligation | 1=yes 0=no 1 can be given only when employeeincurancetype=4 |
3 | ispersonreceivingeppoinsurancesalary | Numeric | 0..1 | EPPO-lain mukaista vakuutuspalkkaa saaja henkilö | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isinvoicingserviceuserwithoutbusinessid | Numeric | 0..1 | A self-employed light entrepreneur, a client of an invoicing service, no Business ID | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | nosocialsecuritypayment | Numeric | 0..1 | Not subject to employer's sickness insurance payment | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | receivessalaryfromdiplomaticembassy | Numeric | 0..1 | Person receiving a salary paid by a diplomatic mission | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | activity | Numeric | 0..1 | Activity | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | foreclosure | Numeric | 0..1 | Foreclosure | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | foreclosuremaintenancepersons | Numeric | 0..1 | Persons facing recovery proceedings living under maintenance allowance | Must be given, if foreclosure=1 |
3 | taxnumber | String | 0..1 | Employee's taxnumber | 12345678912 |
3 | placeofbusiness | String | 0..1 | Place of business (tulorekisteriin) | Pääkonttori |
2 | employeesettings | Aggregaatti | 0..1 | Employee's settings | |
3 | payrollservice | String | 0..1 | Salaries service | enabled or disabled |
3 | resourcemanagement | String | 0..1 | Travel service | enabled or disabled |
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