Resource: getpurchaseinvoice.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Get detailed information of a specific purchase invoice.
Querystring parameters:
Parameter name | Occurs | Description | Example |
netvisorkey | 1 | Netvisor key of the invoice to retrieve. | 1 |
netvisorkeylist | 0...1 | Can be used to get the details of several invoices with given id. Max. 500 identifiers. | 1,2,3 |
version | 0...1 | Used for returning single invoice line's dimension details inside the element (PurchaseInvoiceLine) 1 = Dimensions outside of the invoice line, used as default or if parameter not given 2 = Dimensions inside the invoice line | 2 |
include | 0...1 | - actions = What can be done to the invoice (approve, accept, reject, pay) - handlinghistory = Invoice's handling history - previewimage = Invoice's previewimage | actions |
omitattachments | 0...1 | True = Exclude attachments False = Include attachments If parameter not given = False | false |
Level | Element Name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | PurchaseInvoice | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | PurhaseInvoiceNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Invoice Netvisor ID | 1025 |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceNumber | String | 1 | Invoice number | 345 |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceDate | Date | 1 | Invoide date | 2013-10-23 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Format of InvoiceDate, Always ansi | ansi |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceDeliveryDate | Date | 1 | Delivery date | 2013-09-10 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Format of DeliveryDate, Always ansi | ansi |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceDueDate | Date | 1 | Due date | 2014-01-09 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Format of DueDate, Always ansi | ansi |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceValueDate | Date | 1 | Value date | 2013-12-03 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Format of ValueDate, Always ansi | ansi |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceReferencenumber | String | 1 | Reference number of invoice | 1234 |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceVendorBankAccountNumber | String | 1 | Vendor bank account number | |
2 | IsPurchaseInvoiceVendorBankAccountDeleted | String | 1 | True or False. Is the bank account deleted | False |
2 | IsPurchaseInvoiceVendorBankAccountFromSEPARegion | String | 1 | True tai False. Is the bank account in SEPA region | True |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceAmount | Numeric | 1 | Amount in two decimal accuracy | 1234,56 |
2 | PurchaseInvoicePaidAmount | Numeric | 1 | Paid amount in two decimal accuracy | 1000,00 |
2 | ForeignCurrencyAmount | Numeric | 1 | Amoun in foreign currency in two decimal accuracy | 1234,56 |
2 | ForeignCurrencyNameID | String | 1 | Currency code | EUR |
2 | InvoiceStatus | String | 1 | Status of the invoice Open Due for payment Paid | open |
2 | ApprovalStatus | String | 1 | Purhase invoice's approval status: new invoice=open in factual verification=infactualverification approved=approved rejected=acceptrorrejected | approved |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceOurReference | String | 1 | Our reference | |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceYourReference | String | 1 | Your reference | |
2 | PurchaseInvoiceDescription | String | 1 | Invoice description | |
2 | VendorNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Vendor's Netvisor Key | 123 |
2 | VendorOrganizationIdentifier | String | 1 | Vendor's Business ID (y-tunnus) | 1234567-8 |
2 | VendorCode | String | 1 | Vendor's Code | 23 |
2 | VendorName | String | 1 | Name of the vendor | Vendor Inc |
2 | VendorAddressLine | String | 1 | Address of the vendor | Pajukuja 5 |
2 | VendorPostNumber | String | 1 | Vendor post number | 53100 |
2 | VendorTown | String | 1 | Vendor city | Lappeenranta |
2 | VendorCountry | String | 1 | County code of the Vendor | FI |
2 | Fingerprint | String | 1 | Invoice finger print | 606F6527D9CAF4BB7B69E4D616FAA78637552960A810FD3B5CC04BFEB6757D4C |
2 | VoucherID | Numeric | 0...1 | Voucher's NetvisorKey | 1235 |
2 | IsAccounted | String | 1 | Is invoice accounted | True |
2 | PreviewImage | String | 0...n | When action parameter in use | |
2 | Attachments | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
3 | Attachment | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
4 | AttachmentBase64Data | Base64 | 1 | Base64 encoded data of the attachment | |
4 | FileName | String | 1 | File name of the attachment | Invoice1234.pdf |
4 | ContentType | String | 1 | MIME-type of attachment content | Appication/pdf |
4 | Comment | String | 1 | Comment text | |
2 | InvoiceLines | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
3 | PurchaseInvoiceLine | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
4 | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | Netvisor key | |
4 | LineSum | Numeric | 1 | Sum of the line | |
4 | LineNetSum | Numeric | 1 | Net sum of the line | |
4 | UnitPrice | Numeric | 1 | Price of a single unit (gross) | |
4 | VatPercent | Numeric | 1 | VAT percent | |
4 | VatCode | String | 1 | VAT code | |
4 | Description | String | 1 | Description text | |
4 | Unit | String | 1 | Unit of measurement | |
4 | OrderedAmount | Numeric | 1 | Amount of product ordered | |
4 | PurchasePrice | Numeric | 1 | Outdated element, returns nothing | |
4 | DeliveredAmount | Numeric | 1 | Amount of units delivered | |
4 | ProductCode | String | 1 | Product identifier | |
4 | DiscountPercentage | Numeric | 1 | Discount percentage | |
4 | ProductName | String | 1 | Name of the product | |
4 | AccountingSuggestionBookkeepingaccountNetvisorKey | String | 0...1 | Account suggestions Nevisorkey | |
4 | AccountingSuggestionBookkeepingAccount | String | 0...1 | Account suggestion | |
4 | PurchaseInvoiceLineDimensions | Aggr. | 0...1 | Levels 4 -5 -6 when version parameter is 2. In other case levels 3-4-5 | |
5 | Dimension | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
6 | DimensionName | String | 1 | Dimension | Project |
6 | DimensionNameNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Dimension Netvisor ID | 2 |
6 | DimensionDetailName | String | 1 | Name of the dimension | Project 1 |
6 | DimensionDetailNameNetvisorKey | String | 1 | Dimension name Netvisor ID | |
2 | LinkedPurchaseOrders | Aggr. | 0...1 | If purchaseoders have been linked to a purchase invoice, returns their number and ID | |
3 | PurchaseOrder | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
4 | OrderNumber | Numeric | 1 | Number of purchase order | 123 |
4 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | NetvisorID of purchase order Note! If the number of purchase order has been added to purchase invoice in advance, the purchase order might not be in Netvisor | 10 |
When parameter actions is in use the following structure is added at the end of the message:
Level | Element | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
2 | PostingLinesAccess | Aggr. | 1 | Purchase invoice accounting | |
3 | CanEditPostingLines | String | 1 | True or False | True |
3 | CanUserPostInvoice | String | 1 | True or False | False |
3 | SuggestPostingByDefault | String | 1 | True or False | True |
3 | CanEditAccountingSuggestion | String | 1 | True or False | False |
2 | Actions | Aggr. | 1 | What can be done to the purchase invoice with the user's rights | |
3 | Action | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
4 | Id | String | 1 | Possible values: approved accepted rejected pay | accepted |
4 | Type | String | 1 | Returns the resouce that can be used to deliver the action | purchaseinvoicepostingdata |
4 | Description | String | 1 | Explanation of the action | Accept the purchase invoice |
2 | Alerts | Aggr. | 1 | If there are no alerts, only upper level tag is shown | |
3 | Alert | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | Heading | String | 1 | Header | The invoice is in a locked period |
4 | Description | String | 1 | Explanation | Accepting the purchase invoice does not update any information because the invoice is in a locked period |
2 | Notifications | Aggr. | 1 | If there are no notifications, only upper level tag is shown | |
3 | Notofication | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | Heading | String | 1 | Header | |
4 | Description | String | 1 | Explanation | Vendor's bank account has been deleted, update bank account |
When parameter handlinghistory is in use the following structure is added at the end of the message:
Level | Element | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
2 | HandlingHistory | Aggr. | 1 | Purchase invoice handling history | |
3 | HandlingHistoryLine | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
4 | Type | String | 1 | Event | InvoiceCreated |
4 | Heading | String | 1 | Header | Created |
4 | Description | String | 1 | Explanation | Invoice created in the system |
4 | Timestamp | Date | 1 | Timestamp | 2018-01-01 09:45:49:000 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
4 | UserName | String | 1 | Name of the user who performed the action | Eric Example |
4 | UserEmail | String | 1 | Email of the user in the compayn if it is defined and the user is not "System" | [email protected] |
4 | UpdatedInformationFields | Aggr. | 0...n | Updated information | |
5 | FieldName | String | 1 | Infomation | Accounted |
5 | OldValue | String | 1 | Old value | No |
5 | NewValue | String | 1 | New value | Yes |
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