Resource: getemployee.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Returns the information of a single employee.
Querystring parameters:
Parameter | Occurs | Example | Description |
netvisorkey | 0...1 | 1 | Employees Netvisorkey |
employeenumber | 0...1 | 100 | |
employmentperiods | 0...1 | 1 | Include employment periods 1 = yes 0 = no |
employeepayrollinformation | 0...1 | 1 | Include payroll information 1 = yes 0 = no |
educationalinformation | 0...1 | 1 | Include educational information 1 = yes 0 = no |
additionalinformationfields | 0...1 | 1 | Include additional information fields 1 = yes 0 = no |
employeesettlementpoints | 0...1 | 1 | Include settlement points 1 = yes 0 = no |
Level | Element name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | employee | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | employeebaseinformation | Aggr. | 1...n | ||
3 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Employee's netvisorkey | 8 |
3 | employeenumber | Numeric | 1 | Employee's number | 123 |
3 | employeeidentifier | String | 1 | Employee identifier type: finnishidentifier, foreignidentifier, companyidentifier | foreignidentifiertype |
Attr. | foreignidentifiertype | String | 1 | Foreign person's identifier type: taxidentificationnumber, foreignpersonalidentifier, other. Use only if person is foreign | taxidentificationnumber |
3 | issuingcountry | String, max 2 | 1 | Employee's home country | fi |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
3 | firstname | String, max 50 | 1 | Employee's first name | Anna |
3 | lastname | String, max 50 | 1 | Employee's last name | Ammattilainen |
3 | fullname | String | 1 | Employee's full name | Ammattilainen Anna |
3 | payrollservice | Numeric | 1 | Payroll service | 1 = yes 0 = no |
3 | resourcemanagement | Numeric | 1 | Travel expense service | 1 = yes 0 = no |
3 | nationality | String, maks. 2 | 1 | Employee's nationality | se |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
3 | language | String, maks. 2 | 1 | Employee's language, default is 'fi' | fi |
Attr. | type | String | Language format | ISO-3166 | |
3 | municipality | String, maks. 255 | 1 | Employee's home city | Lappeenranta |
3 | gender | String | 1 | Gender: male, female | male |
3 | dateofbirth | Date | 1 | Date of birth | 1970-10-20 |
3 | streetaddress | String, maks. 255 | 1 | Employee's address | Keisarinnankatu 1 |
3 | postnumber | String, maks. 50 | 1 | Employee's post number | 56120 |
3 | city | String, maks. 255 | 1 | Employee's post office | Lappeenranta |
3 | country | String, maks. 2 | 1 | Employee's home country | fi |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
3 | phonenumber | String, maks. 50 | 1 | Employee's phone number | 050 123 456 |
3 | String, maks. 100 | 1 | Employee's e-mail address | [email protected] | |
3 | bankaccountnumber | String, maks. 34 | 1 | Employee's bank account number, IBAN | FI71 7997 9580 0073 35 |
3 | bankidentificationcode | String, maks. 20 | 1 | BIC | NDEAFIHH |
3 | activity | Numeric | Employee's activity. Does not indicate whether empoyee has an active employment | 1 = yes 0 = no | |
2 | employmentperiods | Aggr. | 0...1 | Employment periods | |
3 | employmentperiod | Aggr. | 0...n | Employment period | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Employment period's netvisorkey | 3 |
4 | companystartdate | Date | 1 | Start date of continuous employment | 2017-01-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
startdate | Date | 1 | Start date | 2017-01-01 | |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
4 | probationenddate | Date | 1 | End date of probation | 2017-04-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
4 | employmentmode | Numeric | 1 | Mode of employment | 1 = employed 2 = leased employee 3 = self-employed person or similar 4 = trainee 5 = voluntary work |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Linking type of employment | Attribute type is always netvisor, which is Netvisor ID |
4 | profession | String, max. 250 | 1 | Professional title | Tester |
4 | comment | String, max. 500 | 1 | Comment | Knows what she is doing |
4 | enddate | Date | 1 | End date | 2017-12-31 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format, always ansi | ansi |
4 | endreason | Numeric | 1 | End reason | 2=Retirement 4=Employee's own request 5=Reason attributable to the employee 6=Fixed-term employment 11=Financial and production-related grounds for termination 12=End of employment by mutual agreement 13=Other reason(Not in use anymore) 1 = Normal employment ending 3 = Employee's death 7 = Probation period 8 = Cancellation of the employment 9 = Bankruptcy of the company 10 = Change of ownership of the company |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Linking type of endreason | Attribute type is always netvisor, which is Netvisor ID |
4 | occupationclassification | String | 1 | Occupation class | TK10-code of occupation class |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Linking type of occupation classification | always isco |
4 | employmentcontract | Numeric | 1 | Duration of employment | >1 = Permanent 2 = Temporary |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Linking type of employment contract | always netvisor |
4 | employmentform | Numeric | 1 | Form of employment | 1 = Full-time2 = Part-time |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Linking type of employment form | always netvisor |
4 | parttimepercent | Decimal | 1 | Part-time percent | Decimal number from 0 to 100 |
4 | regularworkinghours | Numeric | 1 | Regular working hours | Decimal number from 0 to 168 |
4 | groundsforemployment | Numeric | 1 | Grounds for employment | 0=Other grounds 1=Working or employment relationship |
4 | kevaprofessionalclasscode | Numeric | 1 | Keva professional class code, max 20 characters | Professional class codes |
4 | kevaemploymentregistration | Numeric | 1 | Keva employment registration, max 2 characters | Keva employment registration codes |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | always keva | keva |
Attr. | pensionprovidercode | Numeric | 1 | Pension provider code | Keva: Incomes register codes |
4 | ispaymenttypemonthlywage | Numeric | 1 | Form of payment: Monthly wages | 1=yes 0=no |
4 | ispaymenttypehourlywage | Numeric | 1 | Form of payment: Hourly wages | 1=yes 0=no |
4 | ispaymenttypepiecewage | Numeric | 1 | Form of payment: Contract pay | 1=yes 0=no |
4 | collectiveagreement | Numeric | 1 | Collective agreement | Income register: Codes |
Attr. | pensionprovidercode | String | 1 | always cbacode | cbacode |
4 | stateemploymentfund | Numeric | 1 | Employed with assistance from the State employment fund | 1=yes 0=no |
4 | carbenefityear | Numeric | 1 | Year of commissioning of the company car, max 4 characters | 2012 |
4 | isabroadcarbenefit | Numeric | 1 | Company car benefit received in another country. | 1=yes 0=no |
4 | caremissionvalue | Numeric | 1 | Car emission value, an integer between 0-100 | 85 |
2 | employeepayrollinformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Payroll information | |
3 | payrollrulegroup | Aggr. | 1 | Payroll group name | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Payroll groups netvisorkey | 2 |
4 | name | String | 1 | Employees payroll group | Monthly salary |
3 | taxnumber | Numeric | 1 | Tax number | 123456789101 |
3 | foreclosure | Numeric | 1 | Foreclosure | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | foreclosuremaintenancepersons | Numeric | 1 | Foreclosure maintenance persons | 3 |
3 | nosocialsecuritypayment | Numeric | 1 | Not subject to employer's sickness insurance payment | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | accountingaccount | Aggr. | 1 | Advance debt account | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Advance debt account's netvisorkey | |
4 | name | String | 1 | Advance debt account's name | Receivables from employees |
4 | number | Numeric | 1 | Advance debt account's number | 1751 |
3 | hierarchy | Aggr. | 1 | Hierarchy level | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Hierarchy level's netvisorkey | 4 |
4 | name | String | 1 | Hierarchy level's name | Oy Yritys Ab |
3 | placeofbusiness | String | 1 | Place of business for income register | Pääkonttori |
3 | defaultdimensions | Aggr. | 0...1 | Default dimensions | |
4 | defaultdimension | Aggr. | 0...n | Default dimension | |
5 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Dimension name. | Kustannuspaikat |
5 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Dimension item name. | DevOps |
3 | payslipdeliverymethod | String | 1 | Payslip delivery method | 1 = local printing 2 = printing service 3 = e-salary |
3 | type | String | 1 | Attribute type is always netvisor, which is Netvisor ID | netvisor |
3 | isjointowner | Numeric | 1 | In a shareholder relationship with payer | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isathlete | Numeric | 1 | Athlete | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isperformingartist | Numeric | 1 | Performing atrist | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | employeeinsurancetype | Numeric | 1 | Työeläkevakuutuksen tyyppi | 1=Tyel 2=MYEL 3=YEL 4=No pension insurance |
3 | ispersonworkingonaroadferryonalandislands | Numeric | 1 | Person working on a road ferry on Åland Islands | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isentrepreneurwithoptionalyelormyel | Numeric | 1 | Entrepreneur, no YEL or MYEL insurance obligation | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | receivessalaryfromdiplomaticembassy | Numeric | 1 | Person receiving a wage paid by a diplomatic mission | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | ispersonreceivingeppoinsurancesalary | Numeric | 1 | Person receiving wages for insurance purposes under the EPPO Act | 1=yes 0=no |
3 | isinvoicingserviceuserwithoutbusinessid | Numeric | 1 | Person using the invoicing service who does not have a Business ID | 1=yes 0=no |
2 | employeeeducationalinformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | Degrees | |
3 | degree | Aggr. | 0...n | Degree | |
4 | name | String | 1 | Name of the degree | Merkonomi |
4 | school | Numeric | 1 | Name of the school | Kauppaoppilaitos |
4 | graduationyear | Numeric | 1 | Graduation year | 2021 |
4 | isprimarydegree | Numeric | 1 | Is this the primary degree | 1=yes 0=no |
2 | employeeadditionalinformationfields | Aggr. | 0...1 | Additional information fields | |
3 | additionalinformationfield | Aggr. | 0...n | Additional information field | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | netvisorkey | 1 |
4 | name | String | 1 | Additional information field's name | Food allergies |
4 | value | String | 1 | Additional information field's value | fish |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | text, datetime | text |
4 | group | String | 1 | 1=Basic information 2=Contact information 3=Educational information | 1 |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Attribute type is always netvisor, which is Netvisor ID | netvisor |
2 | employeesettlementpoints | Aggr. | 0...1 | Settlement points | |
3 | employeeunemploymentinsurance | Aggr. | 0...n | Unemployment insurance | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Settlement's netvisorkey | 1 |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | nohandling = no handling automatichandling = Automatic handling under17yearsold = under 17 years old 17to64yearsold = 17 to 64 years old over65yearsold = over 65 years old partowner = part owner |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | Unemployment insurance |
3 | employeeaccidentinsurance | Aggr. | 0...n | Accident insurance | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Settlement point netvisorkey | 2 |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | attachedtosettlementpoint |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | Accident insurance |
3 | employeegrouplifeinsurance | Aggr. | 0...n | Group life insurance | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Settlement point netvisorkey | 3 |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | attachedtosettlementpoint |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | Group life insurance |
3 | employeeunionmembershipfee | Aggr. | 0...n | Union membership fee | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Settlement point netvisorkey | 4 |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | attachedtosettlementpoint |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | Union membership fee |
3 | employeeotherinsurance | Aggr. | 0...n | Other insurance | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Settlement point netvisorkey | 5 |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | attachedtosettlementpoint |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | Other insurance |
3 | employeeworkpensioninsurance | Aggr. | 0...n | Work pension insurance | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | Settlement point netvisorkey | |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | nohandling = no handling automatichandling = Automatic handling under17yearsold = under 17 years old 17to64yearsold = 17 to 64 years old over65yearsold = over 65 years old partowner = part owner |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | TyEL |
3 | employeeforeclosure | Aggr. | 0...n | Foreclosure | |
4 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 1 | netvisorkey | 6 |
4 | type | String | 1 | Settlement point handling | attachedtosettlementpoint |
4 | name | String | 1 | Insurance specific settlement point definition | Foreclosure |
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