Payroll Master Data
Payroll Line Information
Sending Payslips
Maraplan material tab


The payslip import Smart Excel table is designed to be used to transfer data from, for example, an external system to Netvisor when no software integration has been built. The form can be used to facilitate the storage of payslip data in Netvisor, and after importing the data, Netvisor can utilize software automations, for example, for sending payments and notices to the authorities.

The principle of using the table is that the data is either entered or copied into the table, the data is checked before sending and after the data is checked in the Salaries section in Netvisor (Salaries > Payroll > Payslips and Periods). The table also makes it possible to import Maraplan materials into Netvisor by uploading the material to the "Mara-Plan materials" tab.

Before using the Smart Excel table, the preparations for use must be done. First go through the general guidelines for smart forms which can be found here: Smart Excel Tables.

The payslip import Smart Excel table needs the resource payrollpaycheckbatch.nv to import payslips into Netvisor. You can manage access rights to interface resources on the Rights of interface resources page. You can find the needed integration by typing "Netvisor Palkkalaskelmien Excel -tuonti" to the Finished integrations search bar.

The payslip import form consists of two parts: "Payroll Master Data" (Palkkalaskelman perustiedot) and "Payroll Line Information" (Palkkalaskelman rivitiedot) . The mandatory fields have been marked with a red star (*).

Payroll Master Data

The table below shows the "Basic payroll information" fields and their additional information:

FieldTranslationAdditional informationExample
Henkilötunnus / palkansaajanumeroSocial security number / employee numberMandatory information. The employee must be established on Netvisor prior to import. The employee must have a defined salary model.123456-1234
Jakson aikaväli:Period time span:

AloituspäiväStarting dateMandatory information. The pay period must be established in Netvisor.01.01.2020
LopetuspäiväEnd dateMandatory information.31.12.2020

Employee number

The personal identity number / employee number can be entered in the employee's basic information under Salaries > Personnel > Employee listing > Employee name > Employee information > Settings > Payroll information.

Period time span

The start and end dates for the period are defined on the Payslips and Periods page under Payroll > Payroll > Payslips and Periods.

Payroll Line Information

In addition to the basic information, the payslip line information must be entered in the table.

Payroll line information:

FieldTranslationAdditional informationExample
Palkkalajin numerotunnusSalary type numberMandatory information. Information that links salaey type to a payslip line. Salary types must be numbered in Netvisor.100

KappalemääräUnit quantityMandatory information
YksikkösummaUnit priceMandatory information
SeliteDescriptionNot a mandatory informationFree line description
Kohdeotsikko 1-4Dimension 1-4Not a mandatory information. When importing cost objects, the cost object header is specified in the top row. The cost object to which that line is assigned to is added to the document line.Project 1

Salary type number

The salary type number is entered in the company-specific salary types under Salaries > Payroll > Salary model Management > Company-Specific Salary Types -tab.

Cost objects 1-4

When importing cost objects, the cost object header to be used in the column is specified in the top row. The cost object to which that line is assigned to is added to the document line. Cost objects are managed in Netvisor under Financial Administration > Settings > Management of cost objects.

In Smart Excel table, cost object headers (Kustannuspaikka 1, 2, 3) and the cost objects under the headers (A, D, F) are added according to the picture below.

Sending payslips

After entering the payslip information, the table is imported into Netvisor with the send payrolls - "Lähetä palkkalaskelmat >>" button.

After the payslips are imported, the form reports successful or failed transfers. Successful transfers are marked on the table in green and the rows are locked from editing so that these rows are not accidentally resubmitted. Failed transfers are marked in red and the reason for the failed transfer is indicated in the "Lähetyksen tila" (Transmission status) column. For these failed lines, incorrect data can be corrected and the data resubmitted. The error may be due to, for example, that the form is missing some mandatory information, Netvisor is missing a salary type number, or some information is in the wrong format. The data in all lines of the payslip must be correct for the data to be sent to Netvisor.

After transfer, the user can continue to process invalid transfers by deleting successful transfers from the form with the "Tyhjennä OK siirrot" (Clear OK Transfers) button, or view only successful transfers by deleting invalid transfers with the "Clear Incorrect Transfers" button.

Note! If you want to import negative amounts into the payroll, the unit price must be entered as a positive number and the unit amount as a negative number.

MaraPlan material tab

MaraPlan material can be imported into a smart table using the MaraPlan -tab. Please note that if the MaraPlan material does not have unit amounts, this information must be entered manually to the table after downloading the material.

To find the MaraPlan file to be imported, click the "Selaa" (Browse) button, select the file from the file list and press the "Avaa" (Open) button. Press the ">> Muuta aineistoa" (Convert Material) button to import the material into the table. The material is transferred to the "Palkkalaskelmien tuonti" (Import payslip) -tab of the smart table. Please check the material before importing. Imports take place in the same way as other payslip imports.

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