Resource: getpurchaseorder.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Fetch detailed information of certain purchaseorder.
Querystring parameters:
Parameter | Occurs | Description | Example |
netvisorkey | 1 | ID of the order to export | 123 |
NetvisorKeyList | 0...1 | Can be used to get the details of several orders with given id. Max. 500 identifiers | 1,2,3 |
Level | Element name | Type | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | Root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | PurchaseOrder | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Purchase order Netvisor key | 1 |
2 | OrderNumber | Numeric | 1 | Purchase order number | 1 |
2 | OrderStatus | String | 1 | Purchase order status | proposal approved senttovendor archived |
Attr. | deliverystatus | String | 1 | Purchase order's delivery status | undelivered partiallydelivered fullydelivered overdelivered |
2 | OrderDate | String | 1 | Purchase order date | 2017-1-1 |
2 | VendorName | String | 1 | Purchase order vendor | Oy Firma Ab |
2 | VendorAddressLine | String | 1 | Purchase order vendor address | Firmatie 1 |
2 | VendorPostNumber | Numeric | 1 | Purchase order vendor post number | 00100 |
2 | VendorCity | String | 1 | Purchase order vendor city | Helsinki |
2 | VendorCountry | String | 1 | Purchase order vendor country | Finland |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Country type, always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
2 | DeliveryTerm | String | 1 | Terms of delivery | Accordin to the agreement |
2 | DeliveryMethod | String | 1 | Delivery method | Installed |
2 | DeliveryName | String | 1 | Delivery name | Yritys Oy |
2 | DeliveryAddressLine | String | 1 | Delivery address | Yritystie 1 |
2 | DeliveryPostNumber | Numeric | 1 | Delivery post number | 00500 |
2 | DeliveryCity | String | 1 | Delivery city | Helsinki |
2 | DeliveryCountry | String | 1 | Delivery country | Finland |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Country type, always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
2 | PrivateComment | String | 1 | Internal comment, not shown on printed version, max. 1000 chars | |
2 | Comment | String | 1 | Comment, max. 1000 chars | Comment |
2 | OurReference | String | 1 | Our reference, max. 50 chars | Our reference |
2 | PaymentTerm | String | 1 | Payment term | 14 days net |
2 | Amount | Numeric | 1 | Final amount | 10000 |
Attr. | currencycode | String | 1 | Final amount currency | EUR |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Currency code, always ISO-4217 | ISO-4217 |
2 | PurchaseOrderLines | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | PurchaseOrderProductDeliveryGroup | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Delivery Group NetvisorKey | 43 |
4 | ProductCode | String | 1 | Product code | Elycold1 |
4 | ProductName | String | 1 | Product name | Elycold1 |
4 | VendorProductCode | String | 1 | Vendor product code | Elycold1 |
4 | OrderedAmount | String | 1 | Ordered amout | 1 |
4 | UnitPrice | Numeric | 1 | Unit price | 8,39 |
4 | VatPercent | Numeric | 1 | Vat percent | 24 |
4 | LineSum | Numeric | 1 | Line sum | 8,39 |
4 | FreightRate | Numeric | 1 | Freight rate | 0 |
3 | PurchaseOrderProductLine | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Purchase order line Netvisor key | 1 |
4 | PurchaseOrderProductDeliveryGroupID | Numeric | 1 | Product delivery group ID | 43 |
4 | ProductCode | String | 0...1 | Product code | Elycold1 |
4 | ProductName | String | 0...1 | Product name, if product added from Netvisor productlist, in other case suppliers product name | Elycold1 |
4 | VendorProductCode | String | 0...1 | Vendor code | Elycold1 |
4 | OrderedAmount | Numeric | 1 | Ordered amount | 10 |
4 | DeliveredAmount | Numeric | 1 | Delivered amount | 0 |
4 | UnitPrice | Numeric | 1 | Unitprice | 100 |
4 | VatPercent | Numeric | 1 | VAT % | 24 |
4 | LineSum | Numeric | 1 | Line sum | 100 |
4 | FreightRate | Numeric | 0...1 | Freight rate | 0 |
4 | DeliveryDate | Date | 1 | Delivery date | 2017-01-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date type | ansi |
4 | ProductQuality | Aggr. | 0...1 | Product quality | |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Product quality NetvisorKey | 1 |
5 | QualityDescription | String | 1 | Product quality description | Best A class |
5 | QualityDeviation | String | 1 | Product quality deviation, true or false | False |
4 | InventoryPlace | String | 0...1 | Warehouse | Test warehouse |
4 | Dimension | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
5 | DimensionName | String | 1 | Dimension name | Projects |
5 | DimensionItem | String | 1 | Dimension item | Project X |
4 | LinkedPurchaseInvoiceLines | Aggr. | 1 | ||
5 | PurchaseInvoice | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
6 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Invoice Netvisor key | 156 |
6 | InvoiceNumber | Numeric | 0...1 | Invoice number | 3 |
6 | PurchaseInvoiceProductLines | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
7 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 0...1 | Invoice line Netvisor key | 238 |
3 | PurchaseOrderCommentLine | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
4 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Comment line ID | 1 |
4 | Comment | String | 1 | Order line comment | Free Text |
3 | LinkedPurchaseInvoices | Aggr. | 0...1 | Linked Purchaseinvoices | |
4 | PurchaseInvoice | Aggr. | 1..n | ||
5 | InvoiceNumber | Numeric | 1 | Invoice number | 1001 |
5 | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Invoice Netvisor key | 10 |
5 | Uri | String | 1 | Netvisor URI to invoice | /getpurchaseinvoice.nv?netvisorkey=1001 |
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