This guide explains how to add users to the company's Netvisor and manage their rights. A compiled guide on frequently asked questions about user rights is also available: FAQ User Rights


Managing User Rights

Users with the User Administrator role (KH) and/or Accounting Office's Administrator role (TPK) can edit the user rights of other company users. The company itself (or the accounting office) is responsible for the correctness and management of user rights. Changes to user rights can be made by Netvisor experts only in exceptional cases. In such cases, a written request must come from the company's Netvisor environment administrator or the company's authorized signatory.

User rights management is done on a company-specific basis, meaning that the users employed by the company currently being managed are controlled from under that company. From the same place, it is also possible to manage the rights of external users who have been granted access to the company. This usually applies to, for example, an accountant or an auditor.

The company's users and their user rights can be viewed through the company menu in the Users and Roles view. This view is only accessible to users with the Accounting Office's Administrator (TPK), User Administrator (KH), or Auditor (TT) role. Of these, TPK/KH users can edit the user rights of other users. 

Managing the Company's Administrator

“The Administrator refers to a natural person appointed by the Customer, who is granted the Service's administrator rights, which include the rights to create new user accounts, add or remove Service sections, and sign agreements within the Service; and who acts as the Customer's representative.”

Adding a New User

1. Adding a new user to the company is done from the Company Menu (company name at the top left) > Users and Roles. In this menu, you can see the active company's users and their user rights. 

2. You can add a new user by clicking the Add User button

3. A new window opens for creating the user, where the identification method is first selected.

A Finnish user can only be added with a Finnish personal identity code. You can read about adding and inviting a foreign user to Netvisor in the guide Logging in and Inviting a Foreign User

4. Define the user's personal information.

5. Define the necessary profiles and roles for the user.

Valid until further notice: By default, the selection is set to valid until further notice, meaning the user right is valid until it is removed. 

Fixed validity period: Define the validity period of the user right (in this case, remove the selection from the valid until further notice field). After the validity period ends, the person cannot log in to the company. Note! If the validity period is ended, this does not stop possible email communication from the company, e.g., related to the approval cycle of purchase invoices (verification, approval, payment). If communication is to be stopped, either remove the user's accounts payable rights or modify the communication settings in the user's personal information.

6. The user is added to the active company's users via the Add User link. After this, the user's rights can be edited through the Users and Roles menu. 

Adding a User from the Company's Employees

1. If the person is already an employee in the company, they can be added from the menu showing all the company's employees

This option is only visible if the company has the Payroll package in use, or from additional services 'Payroll and Time Tracking' or 'Travel and Expense Claims'.

Through this selection, a new user is not created, as employees are already users in the background. The selected user is only granted access to the company.

2. When an employee is selected from the menu, their email and phone number found in the employee information are displayed below. The information is shown for identification purposes, as there may be employees with the same name in the company.

3. Define the user's personal information. The user's name cannot be changed in this view.

4. Define the necessary profiles and roles for the user.

Sales, Products, Purchases, and Financial Section Rights

All rights - the user has all rights to the Accounting section.
Accounts receivable user - the user has rights to the Sales section.
Accounts payable user - the user has rights to the Purchases section.
Accounts payable and receivable user - the user has rights to the Sales and Purchases sections.
Viewing - the user has viewing rights to all sections. This must be specified separately for the payroll section as well. (Selections will not appear if the sections are not enabled for the company).
Company user - same as All rights, except only read rights for basic bookkeeping functions and income tax declarations. In this case, manual vouchers cannot be created for the company, and income tax declarations cannot be sent.
No rights - the user has no rights to the Accounting section. However, the user can access Electronic Signing to view public documents, Extensions to the eScan processing view, and eScan settings to create user accounts. Additionally, the user can access Netvisor Store but cannot perform any actions there. 

User Administrator (KH) Can manage the company's users and services. KH can create an Accountant, but not another User Administrator. They cannot add the Accounting Office's Administrator right or give the payroll accountant right. They cannot add rights to themselves or change their own rights in User Rights Management. To add the KH role to another user, the adder must have TPK or KH+Administrator user rights.
Accounting Office's Administrator (TPK) is, as the name suggests, a role belonging to the Accounting Office. TPK can create a KH and an Accountant, but not another TPK. The TPK role can only be given by copying (requires TPK or KH+Administrator user rights) or in exceptional cases by Netvisor support. Once the TPK role is obtained, the user is automatically added as a user to new companies created by the accounting office. In this case, they receive TPK + KH+KP rights (+P rights if the payroll section is enabled in the company) for that accounting office client. If the accounting office does not want the employee to see information about the accounting office itself, which has TPK rights to client companies, the user can be given TPK rights to the accounting office without KH rights. Similarly, the user profile must be considered or possibly have no rights to the accounting office itself. However, the person will receive TPK+ KH+KP rights for new companies opened. But they cannot open a company themselves under the accounting office, but it can be done from another company where they have KH rights. The background accounting office link always goes under the opener's base company. If the TPK role needs to be removed from the user, it is done through copying user rights, i.e., copy the user rights from a user who does not have the TPK role.
Accountant (KP) can perform more demanding accounting tasks in the company. They can send a control notification, delete an invoice and a voucher, edit sent invoices and delivered orders, make VAT overrides, etc. 
Auditor (TT) is a special role given to an auditor and requires the user to have user administrator rights. If the user's base company is something other than Netvisor Auditors, please send a request to support to correct the base company. In this case, we can correct the user's base company to Netvisor Auditors.
After the user has been added, it is still possible to give the user Customized rights, where different rights can be defined for sections and functions.

The user's personal information should always be filled in as completely as possible, as it facilitates contact with the customer in potential problem situations.

Once the user is added, they only have basic rights to the company. Additionally, rights to accounts receivable, the information view, and the financial period archive must be defined.

Payroll Rights

If payroll has been enabled in the company, the user can be given the necessary rights to payroll. 

More detailed information about payroll rights is provided in the payroll guide Function-Specific Payroll Rights and Payroll Roles.

In payroll, the following profiles and roles can be given.


Salary receiver/Employee profile: No rights to payroll or editing basic information. Right to enter and edit time management (time tracking and travel claims) data if the Travel service is enabled for the employee. The employee can see their own payroll basic information and can view and print their own pay slips.

All rights profile: Grants all rights to the HRM side. Rights are given to the payroll accountant. Additionally, the payroll accountant must be given the payroll accountant role (P).

Author profile: No rights to payroll or editing basic information. Right to edit time management data, e.g., approving travel claims and time entries. The author must also be assigned sufficient hierarchy rights to see their subordinates' time entries and travel claims.

Company management profile: Can see pay slips and reports. No rights to perform monthly or annual obligations. Cannot edit basic information. If the company management wants to view payroll phases, viewing rights (or editing rights if desired) must be set for payroll and managing salary models and types from function-specific rights. 

Viewing profile: Grants viewing rights to the payroll side.

No rights profile: No rights to the payroll section.


Payroll accountant role (P): The payroll accountant role is mandatory for the user who calculates salaries. It is recommended that the payroll accountant has the payroll profile  "All rights". The payroll accountant also needs payment rights from accounts payable rights to pay salaries. 

The payroll accountant role (P) can be given either by the Accounting Office's Administrator (TPK) or the Netvisor environment administrator visible on the company's management front page, who also has the User Administrator role (KH). Removing the role also requires the same rights. One cannot grant rights to oneself. In exceptional cases, the role can be set by support. 

Foreman role (E): The Foreman role can be given to a user in a supervisory position. The E role respects the company hierarchy, and the user can only see the salary information of those employees to whom they have verification or approval rights through the hierarchy. The role entitles the user to view employees' salary information.

Personal Details Handler (HH): The Personal Details Handler (HH) role allows managing employee information more limitedly than the payroll accountant role. This role does not allow access to the payroll process or, by default, to pages containing employees' salary information. The HH role respects the company hierarchy, and the user can only see the employees to whom they have verification or approval rights through the hierarchy.

Editing a User

Editing a user can be accessed by clicking the user's name in the user listing. A user cannot edit their own rights in user rights management.
Select "Add new access right" if you are adding access for the person to another company you manage; or
Select "Edit user's personal details" if there is a need to change the user's personal information.

If the user wants to edit their own email or phone number, for example, this can be done by clicking their own name at the top right. More information can be found in the guide My Basic SettingsFrom the same view, you can also change the interface language.

User Account Validity

User rights can be valid until further notice or the validity period can be defined for a specific period. The User Administrator (KH) role can set the validity period of user rights on a company-specific basis as follows: Company Menu > Users and Roles > click the user's name > "Edit user's login settings" link. 

The "Update validity period for all companies" option updates the user right for all companies where the editor has user administrator rights. The number following the selection shows how many companies the change is made to, and by clicking it, the specific companies are listed.

Note! If the validity period is ended, this does not stop possible email communication from the company, e.g., related to the approval cycle of purchase invoices (verification, approval, payment). If communication is to be stopped, either remove the user's accounts payable rights or modify the communication settings in the user's personal information.

Deleting a User

Only users with the KH and/or TPK role can delete user rights.

Deleting a user with the KH role requires KH + Administrator rights.

If you want to remove a user's rights from only one company, proceed as follows: Company Menu > Users and Roles > click the desired user's name > User's other access rights.

On the page that opens, click the link in the Delete column on the row of the company to be removed. If the user has rights to multiple companies and the user administrator performing the deletion also has rights to these same companies, rights can be deleted from either all or only some of the companies by clicking the link in the Delete column for the desired companies.

In the above case, the user's base company is Porin Testiyritys Oyj. If the user's right to their base company is removed, they cannot log in to any other company, even if they have rights to them, until a new base company is set by the user themselves or in exceptional cases by Netvisor customer support. If login is prevented due to the base company, a pop-up window will appear for the user the next time they log in to Netvisor, from which they can select a new base company for themselves. 

The base company is the company to which the user was originally added, more information in the guide Base Company in Netvisor. The user's base company is the active company if the Company's own user  column says "Yes".  If the user already has credentials for another company, the column will say "No" for them. The base company of users can be seen in the Users and Roles listing in the base company column.

Authorizing a User to Another Company

A person with the User Administrator (KH) role can add rights for another person to another company where they also have the KH role. Adding is done by finding the user in a company where both the KH and the user to be added are users. Then go to the company menu, from there to the Users and Roles view. Click the user's name and on the page that opens, click the Add new access right  link. 

Select the company to which the rights are being granted and click the Continue button

Next, select the desired user profile and any special role and Save.

Keywords: Netvisor, user rights, management, administrator, authorization, payroll, accounts receivable, user rights, deleting a user

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