We take user right issues seriously, so we need a clear message stating which rights should be given to whom and in which company. The statement should come from the company’s Administrator in Netvisor or their procurator.
Users with the role of User administrator or Accounting office's administrator, are able to manage user rights for other users.
Table of contents:
Users and roles
Adding a new user
Sales, products, purchases and financial -sections user rights
Payroll rights
CRM rights
Deleting a user from a company
Giving rights to a user for another company
Managing user rights can be done one company at a time. If a person outside the company has a right to the company, their user rights to the company are also managed in the company’s environment. This applies to for example an accountant or an auditor.
Users and roles
Adding a new user can be done from the Add new user -link.
From the Company administrator management link, the company’s administrator can be added or changed. This can be done by a user with KH-role. Company administrator should be a user that works for the company. If the company administrator has a KH-role, they can give KH-role and payroll accountant -role to other users.
It is possible to set a validity period for a user’s account in which the user is able to login to the company. If the validity period is written in red text, the period has closed and the user cannot login to the company. If the "Validity period" -column column is empty, the user is valid for now. For a user, there can be different validity times in different companies.
A user can be a company’s own user or they can already have an account to some other company. This can be seen on the “Company’s own user” column.
Adding a new user
1. Adding a new user can be done from the Users and roles view. Managing active users and their rights can be done in this view also. To be able to add new users, you need to have the role of User administrator (KH).
2. A new user can be added from the Add new user -link in the Users and rights view.
3. First, enter the new user’s personal identity code (social security number). If the personal identity code is an approved Finnish code, a green check mark appears behind the field. If the personal identity code is not approved, a red cross appears. In that case after clicking the check user –button a pop-up window appears with the text: “The personal identity code you gave is not a valid Finnish personal identity code. The personal identity code may not be edited after the user has been created. Are you sure you want to create the user?”
If the new user is Finnish, Finland must be chosen from the Country drop-down menu. If the user is invited to Netvisor through Netvisor ID or user has a Estonian, Norwegian or Swedish ID card, the country should be the same that the user’s nationality.
4. Fill in the new user's personal information and specify the new user’s profile. User’s personal detail should be always filled as well as possible, so the user can be contacted in problem cases.
Validity period: Specify the time period in which the user is able to login to Netvisor if needed. If the valid for now box is checked, the validity period is not concerned.
A user account can be set to be valid until further notice or for a set term. Only with an active account the login is possible to Netvisor. The company which is the user’s base company is invoiced for the user, and also invalid accounts are billed. The validity period can be set for each company separately. For the billing to stop, all the rights must be taken (the user must be deleted) from the user to the company. If the user is given the profile “Ei oikeutta” (No rights), the billing does not stop, the user must be deleted from the company.
Sales, products, purchases and financial -sections user rights
Kaikki oikeudet (All rights) – the user has all rights to Accounting -section.
Myyntireskontrakäyttäjä (Accounts receivable user) – the user has rights to Sales -section.
Ostoreskontrakäyttäjä (Accounts payable user) - the user has rights to Purchases -section.
Reskontrakäyttäjä (Accounts payable and receivable user) - the user has rights to Sales and Purchases sections.
Selausoikeus (Viewing) – the user has right to see all sections. This must be specified also for Payroll and CRM sections separately (if the company has those enabled).
Yrityskäyttäjä (Company user) – Same as All rightset, except only a reading rights for Bookkeeping settings and income tax declarations.
Ei oikeutta (No right) – the user has no rights for Accounting –section.
User administrator (KH) – The user can manage company’s users and services. User administrator can create a new accountant, but cannot create another User administrator. He/she cannot add or manage his own rights.
Accounting office’s administrator (TPK) – is a role for accounting office’s users. Accounting office’s administrator can create another accountant or user administrator, but cannot create a new accounting office’s administrator. User with this role automatically gets TPK+KH+KP roles when the accounting office creates a new company.
Accountant (KP) can do advanced accounting in Netvisor. He/she can send self-assessed taxes, delete an invoice or a voucher, manage sent invoices and delivered orders, skip VAT locking etc.
Auditor (TT) – is a role for the auditor that can be given by a user administrator. If the user’s base company should be Netvisor tilintarkastajat (Netvisor Auditors), we recommend you to be in contact with our support. In that case, we can make Netvisor tilintarkastajat the user’s base company.
After the user has been added and only the basic rights have been given, it is possible to manage the rights so that the user has customized rights for different functions and sections. The rights to Control Centre, accounts receivable and accounts payable and financial period archive should be also defined.
Payroll rights
If the company has payroll section in use, a user can be given a profile and rights to payroll.
Payroll profiles
Palkansaaja –profile (Salary receiver/Employee): Does not have the rights to payroll or manage the settings. Right to record and manage working hours if the resource has been taken in use. Employee can view only their own settings and able print their own pay slips.
Kaikki oikeudet –profile (All rights): Gives all rights to HRM section. This profile is for the payroll accountant, who should also have the payroll accountant –role.
Hyväksyjä –profile (Author): Does not have the rights to payroll or managing the settings. Has rights to manage working hours and travel expense reports.
Yrityksen johto –profile (Company management): Sees pay slips and reports. Does not have rights to make monthly or yearly obligations or manage settings. If the company’s managements wants to view payroll process, they need a viewing (or editing) authorization from the function specific rights for payroll and managing salary models and templates.
Selausoikeus –profile (Viewing): Gives a right to view the payroll section.
Ei oikeutta –profile (No rights): No rights to view the payroll section.
Payroll roles
Payroll accountant role (P): Mandatory for the user, who calculates salaries. It is recommended that the user has also all rights (kaikki oikeudet) to the payroll section. The user also needs the right to pay invoices and salaries from the accounts payable and receivable access rights.
Payroll accountant role can be given either by Company’s administrator, if they also have the user administrator role (KH) or an Accountant office’s administrator (TPK). Company’s administrator can be seen from the management front page. A user cannot give roles for themself, and if necessary the Netvisor support can give this role to a user. In that case, the request should come from a TPK or the Company’s administrator.
Foreman role (E): Foreman role can be given to a superior. With this role the user can view the salary information of the users under him/herself in the hierarchy.
Personal details handler (HH): With this role, the user can manage employees’ settings limitedly compared to the payroll accountant role. With this role the user cannot view the salary calculation process and does not see employees’ salary information (if the right is not separately given to the user). This role also respects the company hierarchy and the user can only see the employees under themself.
CRM rights
If the company has the CRM section in use, a user can be given rights to CRM.
Selaus (Viewing): Gives a viewing right to the CRM section.
Käsittely (Handling): Gives rights to use the section, but no rights to settings and implementation.
Manageri (Manager): Same rights as handling (käsittely), but also the right to add and manage message templates.
Hallinta (Management): Gives the most rights. Enables the implementation and access to the settings. At least one user should have this right in a company.
Ei oikeutta (No right): No access to the CRM section.
Managing a user
Managing a user can be done by clicking the users name in the Users and roles –view. A user cannot manage their own rights. The user’s personal information can be managed only by the user or the user who added them. By clicking “Add new access right”, a user can be given an access to another company that you are managing. By clicking “Edit user’s personal details”, the user’s personal information can be managed.
Deleting a user from a company
A user can be deleted form a company only by a user administrator (KH) or a Accounting office’s administrator (TPK). There are two different scenarios for the deleting:
1. The user is deleted from every company they have rights to,
2. The user is deleted from one of the companies they have rights to. (The user might have rights to many companies and this should be confirmed from the user themself before the deleting).
Deleting the user from all of their companies
Open “Users and roles”. Open the user’s access rights management view by clicking the user’s name. From the “Käyttäjän muut käyttöoikeudet” –link (User’s other rights) a list of all the companies in which the user has rights can be viewed. If the user has rights to a company, which the person viewing does not have rights to, it will not appear on this list.
The user can be deleted by clicking the link in the “delete” column. If the user is deleted from their base company, the user is not able to login to Netvisor at all, even if they are a user in another company.
Base company is the company in which the user has been added when their account was made and the company, who is billed for the user. Company’s users’ base company can be seen on the Users and roles –view on the base company column. If the user is deleted from their base company, but still remains a user in another, the base company should be changed by the Netvisor support.
Deleting a user from some of their companies
It is done the same way as when the user is deleted from all of their companies, but only deleting the companies that they want to be deleted from.
Giving rights to a user for another company
A user administrator (KH) can give a person rights for another company, if the administrator has rights to the company themselves. This can be done in two different ways.
First way is to find the user in some company in which the KH and the user that is being added are. From the Users and roles –view, click the user and on the opening view, click “Add new access right”. Then choose the company from the drop down menu and click continue.
Next, choose the profile and roles for accounting and payroll for the user. After, click save.
The other way to give a new access right to a user is the same way a new user is added to a company:
1. Open company menu’s company listing > Switch to the company that you want the user to access > Open Users and roles from the company menu.
2. Click the link “Add new user”
3. Write down the new user’s personal identity code and click “Check user”. If you get an error message, the identity code is not approved Finnish identity code.
4. Fill in the user’s personal information and their user profile and click “Add user”.
5. Next, the profile and roles for accounting and payroll need to be assigned for the user. Then, click save.
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