This guide describes how to receive products based on a purchase order into inventory balances. During the reception, a warehouse entry is automatically generated, which is visible in Reports > Entries. The reception can be performed both in a browser and on a mobile device. Batch or serial number tracking is considered in the handling of the reception.


Receiving a purchase order

With the reception, the products of the purchase order are taken into inventory balances. A warehouse entry is automatically generated from the reception. The warehouse entry is visible in Reports > Entries. The reception can be handled either in a browser or on mobile. 

If the product uses batch or serial number tracking, a batch or serial number must be added to the product during reception.

When the order has been sent to the supplier, the order view will show information as in the image below, indicating that it has not yet been received:

Reception header information

  • Status = Whether the reception is done or not
  • Number = Running number of the reception
  • Purchase order = From which purchase order the reception is made
  • Supplier = Whose supplier's goods are expected
  • Reception date = On which day the goods are actually expected. This can be used, for example, as information for warehouse work management.
  • Quality assured = If quality inspection is desired for the products, this can be completed with a confirmation that the quality is assured to be correct, or that there was a deviation. NOTE! If there is even one quality-tracked product within the received lines, this must be completed before the reception can be confirmed as done.

+Images = This button allows you to add images to the reception:

This function can be used to document, for example, broken packages or similar for receptions.

  • Receive = This function confirms the reception as complete, transferring the products to inventory balances, i.e., a warehouse transaction is created.
  • Delete = This function allows the reception to be deleted. This can be used, for example, to remove accidentally created receptions or canceled deliveries. 

Reception line information

  • Product number = Product code
  • Supplier code = Possible supplier-specific code for the product. If no supplier-specific code is defined, the general product code is displayed.
  • Product = Product name
  • Warehouse = The warehouse location where the products are received
  • Quantity = Received quantity
  • Default quantity = If the unit quantity shown in the order's quantity field is in a different unit (purchase unit, e.g., pallet) than the product's base unit, the default quantity column shows the quantity arriving in the product's default unit (e.g., pcs).

Partial delivery

The delivery can also be partially received by modifying the line quantity in the reception or by completely removing the reception lines of products that did not arrive in the delivery. When the remaining goods arrive later, a new reception is created from the partially received purchase order with the "Receive the rest" button.

In the reception, images can be added to the reception information with the Add images button. Images can document, for example, broken packages for complaints, etc.

  • Best before date = requires batch numbers to be enabled. During the reception, the batch number is defined, and the date field is also activated in this section.

If the purchase order contains non-stocked products, a reception cannot be made for it. A purchase invoice must be manually created for this and recorded with the option mark as delivered. Then, on the Netvisor side, this purchase order must be archived.

Keywords: Rackbeat purchase order, inventory balance, reception, batch number, warehouse entry, partial delivery

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