Before you create a new sales invoice, you need to create a customer(s) and a product(s).
You can create a new sales invoice with few different ways:
- Sales > Invoicing > New sales invoice
- From "Create new" -button in right corner of the view
- From "Create customer and invoice" -button when you create new customer
- From green plus button in customer cards latest sales invoices -box
- From Product listing -view where you can select products and use "Export selected to sales invoice" -function
New invoice
Start by selecting the customer you want to invoice for existing customers or creating a new one "Enter new customer" -link (see picture below (1). You can also select "Temporary customer" if there is a need to send an invoice to a customer that doesn't exist.
Invoice basic data -section you can select "Auxiliary business name" (2) if your company has one. Invoice "date" is mandatory selection and it is the same date that comes to voucher. "Value date" influences to term of payment (from which date payment is calculated) (3).
"Term of payment" is chosen from existing payment terms and is mandatory field (4). "Due date" is also mandatory field (5) and it is calculated based on payment term.
Invoice added info -section you can select "Seller"(6), write "Our reference" and "Your reference" (7). If you have CRM in use, you can "Copy customer's additional information fields to invoice" (8).
And last you can "Save" invoice or "Save as draft" (9). If you save as draft, invoice can be modified but not send until it's changed as ready for billing.
Invoice view
"Invoice status" (see picture below (1)) is unsent when invoice was saved in creation. If invoice is saved as draft, then invoice status is draft. Draft status invoices don't get invoice number and "reference number" (2) until those are saved ready for billing.
"Payments" (3) section shows payments if invoice has any payments which are allocated to invoice. You are able to add "Internal additional information" (4) to invoice which is not sent to customer.
"Invoice number" (5) is created from previous invoice number plus one. "Invoice date" (6) is date when invoice is created. You get "Voucher" (7) number when invoice is send to customer.
"Customer information" and "Delivery information" comes to the sales invoice from the customer card. You can make changes to those fields from the button that shows in the picture below. Changes can be made when invoice is in draft or unsent status.
"The text before invoice rows" and "The text after invoice rows" are fields which are shown in invoice. You are able to write to these fields in invoice. You can also add info to those fields in customer card or in Sales > Settings > Basic Data and Settings. If these fields are in use in customer card or invoice, information in Sales > Settings > Basic Data and Settings doesn't overwrite them. Both fields can hold 500 characters.
Invoice rows
Product is selected by entering the product name or product code in the product field. Alternatively, you can select by pressing the magnifying glass to display the Product List on the products. If your company has inventory management in use, product inventory information will be displayed here. "In stock" means a quantity of product in stock, "Ordered" means sales orders that have been ordered and "Coming" means purchase orders for that product that have not yet been received in stock.
When the item is selected for the invoice, the right number of pieces should be selected on the line. Unit information comes from the product card.
Prices to the row comes from the product card, but you are able to update price if needed. From "View columns" -button you can choose which columns are shown in invoice rows.
There is a button in front of the line to add the following functions:
"Move to product card" moves you to product card. "Add Invoice row" Adds a new invoice row.
"Add sub-total row" adds sub-lines to calculate the sum of the line items above this row. This can be utilized, for example, in aggregate invoicing when it comes to separating information, for example, by order. When the subtotal line is selected for the invoice, you must select the subtotal for that line.
"Add Comment row" Adds a line of comments to the line. This will be printed on the invoice / with the invoice. "Copy Row" makes a copy of that row as a new invoice row. "Remove Row" removes that line from the invoice. There is also three points -button to change the position of the rows. With "Copy cost objects to selected rows" you can copy the previously used cost objects to selected rows.
Buttons under the invoice rows adds a invoice line, subtotal lines, a comment line to the end of the line item or invoicing fees which are defined in Sales > Invoicing settings > Extras of sales invoice. Creating a New Product button can make a whole new product.
"Sales invoice functions" -button includes several functions.
"Copy invoice" copies invoice as new sales invoice.
"Copy invoice as draft" copies invoice as new draft invoice.
Add payment" enables you to add manually payment for the invoice.
"Invoice added info" takes you to invoice details -tab. The feature requires a CRM part.
"Stock data" displays if your company has an inventory management feature enabled. Behind the tab, you can see a stock entry formed from the sales invoice. This makes the event selling to those products that are in stock. The status is processed. This means that the sales invoice reduces the products in stock. No inventory entry will be made for products not stored.
"Return to old view" takes you to old sales invoice view.
"Delete invoice" deletes the invoice.
"Invoice attachments" appear on the right side of the invoice. Attachments can be dragged and dropped or clicking. Whatever the method of transmission is, the attachments are added from this section. "Add an eScan-document" takes you to a view where you can select the attachment you sent to eScan. In this same place, the invoice "See entire sending and status" appears.
The processing history can be found below.
Sending an invoice
You can send invoice by pressing "Send invoice" -button and you land on
After pushing the button, you land on "Sales process view". If the invoice was sent via Printing Service (PDF eKirje), the invoice can be changed in one or two-sided print format (see picture below (1)). That is, if the invoice is longer than one page, the option is selected to print the invoice on both sides of the paper or not. A class 1 or 2 letter can be selected as the class (2). You can also choose whether the bill is black and white or colored (2). Using a color printout costs a little more when using Printing Service (PDF eKirje). You can add an attachment (3) and it is attached all of the invoice in sales process view.
If you wish to send an invoice as an e-invoice, but there is no e-invoice address behind the customer, you can check the availability of the e-invoice addresses of the customers in the section "Check availability of customers' e-invoice address" (4). You can change "PDF eKirje printing service default settings" (5). Settings are print format, class and printing colour.
If there is an email address behind the customer, the material can also be sent to the desired email address (6). If you want to change sending channel to invoices, tick the box behind the line, select desired channel (7) and push "Change" button. If you want to change customers address data, tick the box behind the line and push "Update the selected address data from the customer" (8). If you have changed your billing or billing customer information, you must recategorize the material into the channels by clicking the "Recategorize all material" button at the end of the view (9).
When you are ready to send invoice to customer, push "Send..." button (10).
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