Resource: workday.nv
HTTP-method: POST
Import work hours for day. Importing hourly data using the workday.nv API resource automatically turns on the Payroll service for services charged per employee.
Level | Element name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | workday | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | date | Date | 1 | Day which for work time entries are | 2013-10-30 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Always ansi | ansi |
Attr. | method | String | 0...1 | replace or increment. Default is replace. | replace |
2 | employeeidentifier | String | 1 | Data that is used to link entry to employee, social security number or employee number in Netvisor | 1407 |
Attr. | type | String | 0...1 | Type of EmployeeIdentifier; personalidentificationnumber, number or netvisorkey | number |
Attr. | defaultdimensionhandlingtype | String | 0...1 | none or usedefault | usedefault |
2 | workdayhour | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
3 | hours | Numeric | 1 | Amount of hours *), Netvisor will round to two decimals | 7,5 |
3 | collectorratio | String | 1 | Record type, must exist in Netvisor | 11 |
Attr. | type | String | 0...1 | Linking type of record type, always number | number |
3 | acceptancestatus | String | 1 | Status of the work time entry, confirmed or accepted | accepted |
3 | description | String | 1 | Description of the work record | Normal work |
3 | crmprocessidentifier | String | 0...1 | CRM process' linking information | |
Attr. | billingtype | String | 1 | unbillable or billable | billable |
3 | invoicingproductidentifier | String | 0...1 | Invoicing product | |
3 | customeridentifier | String | 0...1 | Invoicing customer | Test customer |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | netvisor or customer | netvisor |
3 | dimension | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
4 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Title of the dimension | Project |
4 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Name of the dimension. If dimension does not exists, Netvisor creates new one | Payroll |
Attr. | fatherid | Numeric | 0...1 | Id of the dimension's parent | 33 |
2 | workdaytime | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
3 | starttimeofday | Numeric | 1 | Start time of working time recording | 8:00 |
3 | endtimeofday | Numeric | 1 | End time of working time recording | 16:00 |
3 | breaktime | Numeric | 1 | Break time in minutes | 30 |
Attr. | type | String | always minutes | minute | |
3 | collectorratio | String | 1 | Record type, must exist in Netvisor | 11 |
Attr. | type | String | 0...1 | Linking type of record type, always number | number |
3 | acceptancestatus | String | 1 | Status of the work time entry, confirmed or accepted | accepted |
3 | description | String | 1 | Description of the work record | Normal work |
3 | invoicingproductidentifier | String | 0...1 | Invoicing product | |
3 | dimension | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
4 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Title of the dimension | project |
4 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Name of the dimension. If dimension does not exists, Netvisor creates new one | Payroll |
*) You can also import working time entries with record types that have days as units, such as annual leaves. In these cases you have to save the number of days for element "hours" (for example 1, when one day is saved as working time entry). To be able to use Netvisor's holiday calculation, annual leaves should always be imported with value 1.
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