The access rights for the Notification View are set from the Company Menu - Notification View Rights and are user-specific. The page displays all users who have access to the company being processed. By default, users do not have anything selected to be tracked in the Notification View. Notification View rights can be edited if you have the company user administrator, i.e., KH rights (the User Administrator can also edit their own rights).

The following rights can be set per item:
No rightsthe item is not tracked for the person
Read rights - the item can be tracked, but it cannot be marked as processed
Edit rightsthe user has the right to also mark the item as processed

Once the desired rights have been added per user, remember to go to the bottom of the screen and press the "Update Approvers" button. 

Items to be tracked:

Unsent monitoring notifications 

  • Shows whether there are unsent monitoring notifications for the company in question.

LMP feedback 

  • Shows payment feedback that comes with the bank statement from banks.
  • In other words, the bank has confirmed the payment has been sent from the company's account.

Bank account balances 

  • Shows bank account balances

Incoming reference payments 

  • Shows incoming reference payments to banks and allows handling of exceptional payments as rounding differences, discounts, or partial payments.

Distribution of scanned (eScan) material 

  • Shows material scanned with eScan that has not yet been directed to the correct companies.

Processing of scanned (eScan) material 

  • Shows material scanned with eScan that has been directed or has directed itself to the company in question but is still unprocessed.

Purchase invoices to be checked 

  • Shows purchase invoices received as e-invoices, scanned invoices, or invoices entered into the system that are awaiting action (verification or approval).

Unchecked postings 

  • Shows vouchers created by automation and those users who do not have edit rights in the Notification View Task List Unchecked postings section.
  • Vouchers made by a user with edit rights in the Notification View Task List Unchecked postings section are marked as already checked.
  • The visibility of unchecked postings requires the KP role

Bank statements 

  • Shows bank statements received from banks (bank statement reception view)

Unrouted sales e-invoices 

  • Shows sales invoices sent as e-invoices that have encountered an error and returned.
  • Also shows the reason for the return, for example, "Recipient not found".
  • The reason should be checked, the situation corrected, and then the invoice should be resent.

Keywords: notification view, unchecked postings, LMP, escan, items to be checked, bank statements

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