Resource: productlist.nv

HTTP-method: GET

Note! If you are using Rackbeat inventory management in Netvisor, the API documentation can be found here:

List of products from Netvisor can be retrieved as described below. List contains basic information of each product. Details of each product can be retrieved one by one by using Get product details request.

You can use one or many parameters simultaneously in our request. Query string parameters:

Parameter nameOccursDescriptionExample
changedsince0...1Filters result to contain only products having changed after given time, time in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss2012-01-01T 12:00:00
keyword0...1Filters result to products that include given text / value in product name or product code.Product
published0...1Value 1 if published products are wanted in the response and 0 if not.1
unpublished0...1Value 1 if unpublished products are wanted in the response and 0 if not.1
deleted0...1Value 1 if deleproducts are wanted in the response and 0 if not. If the parameter is not given, deleted products are returned. If given, also published or unpublished should be given.0


LevelElement nameType and lengthOccursDescriptionExample
3NetvisorKeyNumeric1Product identifier in Netvisor123
3ProductCodeString1Code of the productA54
3NameString1Name of the productThe product
3UnitPriceNumeric1Unit net price of product, 12 decimal1,960000000000
3UnitGrossPriceNumeric1Unit gross price of product, 12 decimal2,430400000000
3ProductGroupIDNumeric1Product group ID. Can be empty.2
3ProductGroupDescriptionString1Product group, whole hierarchy. Can be empty.Books / Science fiction books
3UriString1URI which can be used to retrieve details of the product/getproduct.nv?id=123

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