You can set your company's basic information in Netvisor through "Yritysvalikko > Yrityksen perustiedot ja asetukset > Perustiedot". The fields in the "Yrityksen perustiedot" view are filled with the company's information and saved with the "Tallenna" button. 


The Telefax field is no longer in use in Netvisor. If a fax number has been saved in the field, this information will be displayed on the invoice template. 

Cash Discount Tolerances 

The fields are set with the number of days after the cash discount's due date that a reference payment received is processed as a cash discount in Netvisor and how much deviation in the amount is allowed. The tolerance day does not affect the payment, and if the invoice includes a cash discount, it must be paid within the cash discount period for the program to consider the discount. 

Rounding Tolerance for Payments

The field is set with the tolerance amount, meaning if the value is 0.01€, all payments differing by a cent are recorded normally, and the cent is recorded as a rounding difference.

Company Language

 The fields store the languages used in Netvisor (English/Swedish). The company's domestic language is automatically Finnish. In addition, you can select the Company's 1st foreign language and the Company's 2nd foreign language. The languages added to the basic settings affect the chart of accounts and reporting. Language selections enable translations in the chart of accounts.

Keywords: company basic information, company language, cash discount tolerance

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