Resource: getpayrollpaycheckbatch.nv
HTTP-method: GET
Returns a single payslip's information. Payslip's netvisorkey's can be retrieved with getpayrollpaycheckbatchlist.nv.
Parameter | Occurs | Description | Example |
netvisorkey | 1 | Mandatory, payslip's netvisorkey | 23 |
Level | Element name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | payrollpaycheckbatch | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | paymentdate | Date | 1 | Payment date | 2023-03-31 |
2 | payrollrulegroupperiod | Aggr. | 1 | Payroll period | |
3 | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Payroll period's identifier | 123 |
3 | startdate | Date | 1 | Payroll period's starting date | 2023-03-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format | ansi |
3 | enddate | Date | 1 | Payroll period's end date | 2023-03-31 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format | ansi |
2 | payrollrulegroup | Aggr. | 1 | Payroll rulegroup | |
3 | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Payroll rulegroup's identifier | 123 |
3 | name | String | 1 | Payroll group's name | Monthly salary |
2 | employee | Aggr. | 1 | Employee | |
3 | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Employee's identifier | 123 |
3 | name | String | 1 | Employee's name | Malli Maisa |
3 | employeenumber | Numerical | 1 | Employee number | 123 / empty |
2 | status | Numerical | 1 | Paycheck's status | 1=Open 2=Confirmed/Accepted 3= Paid |
2 | voucher | Aggr. | 0..1 | Voucher | |
3 | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Voucher's identifier | 123 |
3 | class | String | 1 | Voucher class | PA Palkka |
3 | number | Numerical | 1 | Voucher number | 123 |
3 | date | Date | 1 | Voucher date | 2023-03-31 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format | ansi |
2 | allocationcurves | Aggr. | 0..1 | Paycheck allocation curve | |
3 | allocationcurve | Aggr. | 1..n | Allocation curve | |
Attr. | percent | Numerical | 1 | Distribution percent | 61 |
4 | dimensions | Aggr. | 1 | Dimensions | |
5 | dimension | Aggr. | 1..n | Dimension | |
6 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Dimension name | Toimipiste |
Attr. | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Tunniste | 123 |
6 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Dimension iten name | Lappeenranta |
2 | freetextbeforelines | String | 1 | Free text before lines | Remember to deliver your tax card! / empty |
2 | freetextafterlines | String | 1 | Free text after lines | Happy Easter! / tyhjä |
2 | holidayrecords | Aggr. | 1 | Holidays records | |
3 | availableholidays | Numerical | 1 | Number of available vacation days | 25 |
3 | newaccrualofholidays | Decimal | 1 | Number of newly accrued vacation days | 7,5 |
2 | payrollpaycheckbatchlines | Aggr. | 1 | Paycheck lines | |
3 | payrollpaycheckbatchline | Aggr. | 1..n | Paycheck line | |
4 | payrollratio | Aggr. | 1 | Payroll ratio | |
5 | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Identifier | 123 |
5 | number | Numerical | 0..1 | Payroll ratio number | 123 |
5 | name | String | 1 | Payroll ratio name | Monthly salary |
5 | isvisible | Numerical | 1 | Payroll ratios visibility on paycheck | 1=yes, 0=no |
5 | costobjectsource | String | 1 | Payroll check's dimension's source | DimensionCurve PaycheckBatchLine EmployeeDimensions None SelectedDimensions |
4 | units | Numerical | 1 | Number of units | 2 / empty |
4 | unitamount | Numerical | 1 | Unit amount | 200 / tyhjä |
4 | linesum | Numerical | 1 | Line sum | 400 |
4 | earningsperiods | Aggr. | 1 | Earning periods | |
5 | earningperiods | Aggr. | 1...n | Earning period | |
6 | startdate | Date | 1 | Earning period's start date | 2023-03-01 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format | ansi |
6 | enddate | Date | 1 | Earning period's end date | 2023-03-31 |
Attr. | format | String | 1 | Date format | ansi |
4 | incometype | Aggr. | 0...1 | Income type | |
5 | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Identifier | 123 |
5 | name | String | 1 | Income type name | Time rate |
4 | accountingdata | Aggr. | 1 | Accounting | |
5 | debetaccountnetvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Identifier | 123 / empty |
5 | debetaccountnumber | Numerical | 1 | Debet-account's number | 5000 / empty |
5 | debetaccountname | String | 1 | Debet-account's name | Employee salaries / empty |
5 | kreditaccountnetvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Identifier | 123 / empty |
5 | kreditaccountnumber | Numerical | 1 | Credit-account's number | 2961 / empty |
5 | kreditaccountname | String | 1 | Credit-account's name | Salary expenses (accruals) / empty |
4 | dimensions | Aggr. | 0..1 | Dimensions | |
5 | dimension | Aggr. | 1..n | Dimension | |
Attr. | percent | Numerical | 1 | Percent | 25 |
6 | dimensionname | String | 1 | Dimension name | Toimipiste |
Attr. | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Identifier | 123 |
6 | dimensionitem | String | 1 | Dimension item name | Lappeenranta |
Attr. | netvisorkey | Numerical | 1 | Identifier | 123 |
4 | linedescription | String | 1 | Line description |
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