Resource: webshopproductlist.nv

HTTP-method: GET

Note! If you are using Rackbeat inventory management in Netvisor, the API documentation can be found here:

Used to retrieve a structural list of products. This resource can only be used if extended product management is in use. List contains information of products like name and description in different languages, and information on the variants of the product.

Querystring parameters:

Parameter nameOccursDescriptionExample
limitDeleted0...1When defined, only active main products are included in result1
limitActive0...1When defined, only active products are included in result1
limitPublished0...1When defined, only published products are included in result1
limitSellable0...1When defined, only sellable products are included in result1
0...1When defined, only products edited since given time are included in result. Time format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss2016-01-28T12:00:00
limitSourceProductNetvisorKey0...1Limits result by given source product key in Netvisor154
productGroupNetvisorKeys0...1List of product group NetvisorKey values separated by comma. Can also have one value.7,20
0...1Name of the retrieved product group.Test product
productGroupNameKeyword0...1Keyword from the retreived product group's name.Test
productGroupNameFreeText0...1Name of the retreived product group includes the given parameter value.product
excludeProductGroupNameFreeText0...1Name of the retreived product group doesn't include the given parameter value.


LevelElement NameType and lengthOccursDescriptionExample
3NetvisorKeyNumeric1Product identifier in Netvisor145
3NameString1...3Name of the productThe Product
Attr.languageString Language of the name: FI, EN or SEFI
3DescriptionString1...3Description of the productthis is a product
Attr.languageString Language of the description: FI, EN or SEFI
3ProductCodeString1Product codeA123
4NameString1...3Name of the product groupGroup 1
Attr.languageString Language of the product group name: FI, EN or SEFI
3UnitNetPriceNumeric 1Price of a single unit 12,00
3UnitGrossPriceNumeric1Gross price of the unit14,64
3UnitString1Unit of measurement pcs
3UnitWeightNumeric1Weight of a single unit 1,50
3ImageURIString1URI for an image for the product /webshopproductimages.nv?
3URIString1Uri for retrieving full product information/getproduct.nv?id=165
3InventoryAmountNumeric1Amount of unit in inventory 30,00
3InventoryOrderedAmountNumeric1Amount of ordered units1,00
3InventoryReservedAmountNumeric1Amount of reserved units 5,00
3IsActiveNumeric1Is the product active:
0 = no, 1 = yes
 3IsSalesProductNumeric1Is this a sales product:
0 = no, 1 = yes 
3IsStorageProductNumeric1Is this product in storage:
0 = no, 1 = yes
3DefaultVatPercentageNumeric1VAT rate24
3IsPublishedNumeric1Has the product been published:
0 = no, 1 = yes
3VersionNumberNumeric1Version number of the product  
3PrimaryEANCodeNumeric1 978020137962
3SecondaryEANCodeNumeric1 978020137963
5DescriptionString1Description of the price groupCA1
5ValueNumeric1Value of the price group1,5
Attr.typeString1Type of value, multiplier or fixedmultiplier
5NameString1...3Name of the variantShirt, Red
Attr.languageString1Language of variant name: FI, EN or SEFI
5DescriptionString1...3Description of variantA red shirt
Attr.languageString1Language of variant description: FI, EN or SEFI
5VariantIdentifierString1Identifier of the product variant in NetvisorABC002
5ImageUriString1Uri of the product variant image/webshopproductimages.nv?
5LastChangeDateDate1Timestamp when the product variant is modified30.1.2014 10:12:06
5UnitNetPriceNumeric1Net price of the product variant12,00
5UnitGrossPriceNumeric1Gross price of the product variant14,62
5InventoryAmountNumeric1Amount of variants in inventory 35,00
5InventoryOrderedAmountNumeric 1Amount of variants ordered 12,00
5InventoryReservedAmountNumeric 1Amount of variants ordered 1,00
5PrimaryEANCodeNumeric1 978020137962
5SecondaryEANCodeNumeric1 978020137963
7DescriptionString1Description of the variant's price group 
7ValueNumeric1Value of the price group 
Attr.typeString1Type of value, multipliermultiplier
6VariantPropertyString1Product attribute
6VariantPropertyValueString1Product attribute value
3CustomTagAggr.0...nProduct additional information field
4CustomTagNameString1Field name
Additional information
4CustomTagValueString1Field value
Field 1

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