Resource: getcustomer.nv
HTTP-method: GET
In order to retrieve the wanted customer details, the customer ID is needed. This can be picked from the customerlist.
Querystring parameters:
Parameter name | Occurs | Description | Example |
id | 1 | ID of the customer | 123 |
idlist | 0...1 | Can be used to get the details of several customers with given id. Max. 500 identifiers | 1,2,3 |
replyoption | 0...1 | Returns customer's invoicing history details. | 1 |
Level | Element name | Type and length | Occurs | Description | Example |
1 | Customer | Aggr. | 1 | ||
2 | CustomerBaseInformation | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | NetvisorKey | Integer | 1 | Customer Netvisor key | 1001 |
3 | InternalIdentifier | String | 1 | Customer code | MM |
3 | ExternalIdentifier | String | 1 | Organization identifier | 1234567-8 |
3 | OrganizationUnitNumber | Integer | 0...1 | Organization unit number | 0037123456715 |
3 | CustomerGroupNetvisorKey | String | 0...1 | Netvisor identifier of customer group | |
3 | CustomerGroupName | String | 0...1 | Name of the customer group | |
3 | Name | String | 1 | Name of the customer | Matti Meikäläinen |
3 | NameExtension | String | 1 | Extension for the name of the customer | Toimitusjohtaja |
3 | StreetAddress | String | 1 | Customer's street address | Pajukuja 1 |
3 | AdditionalStreetAddress | String | 1 | Address extension | |
3 | City | String | 1 | Customer's post office | Lappeenranta |
3 | PostNumber | String | 1 | Customer's post number | 53100 |
3 | Country | String | 0...1 | Country code | FI |
Attr. | Type | String | 0...1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
3 | PhoneNumber | String | 1 | Customer's phone number | 040 123 4567 |
3 | FaxNumber | String | 1 | Customer's fax number | 05 123 4567 |
3 | String | 1 | Customer's E-mail address | [email protected] | |
3 | EmailInvoicingAddress | String | 1 | E-mail invoice address | [email protected] |
3 | HomePageUri | String | 1 | Customer's web site | |
3 | IsActive | Numeric | 1 | 0 or 1, is customer active | 1 |
3 | IsPrivateCustomer | Numeric | 1 | 0 or 1. Value 1 indicates customer is a private customer | 1 |
2 | CustomerFinvoiceDetails | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | FinvoiceAddress | String | 1 | E-invoice address | FI10970021497 |
3 | FinvoiceRouterCode | String | 1 | E-invoice operator | NDEAFIHH |
2 | CustomerDeliveryDetails | Aggr. | 1 | Customer's default office | |
3 | DeliveryName | String | 1 | Name for the delivery | Matti Meikäläinen |
3 | DeliveryStreetAddress | String | 1 | Delivery address | Pajukuja 1 |
3 | DeliveryCity | String | 1 | Delivery Post office | Lappeenranta |
3 | DeliveryPostNumber | String | 1 | Delivery post number | 53100 |
3 | DeliveryCountry | String | 0...1 | Delivery country | FI |
Attr. | type | String | 0...1 | Always ISO-3166 | ISO-3166 |
2 | CustomerContactDetails | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | ContactPerson | String | 1 | Default contact person's name | |
3 | ContactPersonEmail | String | 1 | Default contact person's E-mail address | |
3 | ContactPersonPhone | String | 1 | Default contact person's Phone number | |
2 | CustomerContactPersons | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
3 | CustomerContactPerson | Aggr. | 1 | ||
4 | ContactPersonID | Integer | 1 | Contact person's NetvisorID | 1006 |
4 | ContactPersonFirstName | String | 1 | Contact person's first name | Eric |
4 | ContactPersonLastName | String | 1 | Contact person's last name | Example |
4 | ContactPersonPhoneNumber | Numeric | 1 | Contact person's phone number | 0501234567 |
4 | ContactPersonEmail | String | 1 | Contact person's E-mail address | [email protected] |
4 | ContactPersonOfficeNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Contact person's office NetvisorID | 2 |
2 | CustomerOfficeDetails | Aggr. | 0...n | Customer offices details | |
3 | OfficeNetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Office NetvisorID | 10 |
3 | OfficeName | String | 1 | Office name | Helsingin toimisto |
3 | OfficePhoneNumber | String | 1 | Office phone | 040 312 654 |
3 | OfficeTelefaxNumber | String | 1 | Office fax | 05 321 654 |
3 | OfficeIdentifier | String | 1 | Office identifier | Officeidentifier |
3 | OfficeContactAddress | Aggr. | 1 | Office postal address | |
4 | StreetAddress | String | 0...1 | Street address | Keskuskatu 1 |
4 | PostNumber | String | 0...1 | Postcode | 00100 |
4 | City | String | 0...1 | City | Helsinki |
4 | Country | String | 0...1 | Country | Finland |
3 | OfficeVisitAddress | Aggr. | 1 | Visiting address | |
4 | StreetAddress | String | 0...1 | Street address | Keskuskatu 1 |
4 | PostNumber | String | 0...1 | Postcode | 00100 |
4 | City | String | 0...1 | City | Helsinki |
4 | Country | String | 0...1 | Country | Finland |
3 | OfficeFinvoiceDetails | Aggr. | 1 | Office electronic invoicing details | |
4 | FinvoiceAddress | String | 0...1 | E-invoice address (IBAN or EIA) | 003716264123 |
4 | FinvoiceRouterCode | String | 0...1 | E-invoice operator code | 003721291126 |
2 | CustomerAdditionalInformation | Aggr. | 1 | ||
3 | Comment | String | 1 | Comment text | |
3 | CustomerAgreementIdentifier | String | 1 | Contract ID | |
3 | ReferenceNumber | String | 1 | Standard reference | |
3 | UseCreditorReferenceNumber | Numeric | 1 | Use RF-reference in invoicing. 1 or 0. | 1 |
3 | YourDefaultReference | String | 1 | Your default reference | |
3 | DefaultTextBeforeInvoiceLines | String | 1 | Default text before invoice rows | |
3 | DefaultTextAfterInvoiceLines | String | 1 | Default text after invoice rows | |
3 | DefaultPaymentTerm | String | 1 | Default payment term | 14 days net |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | NetvisorKey (ID) | 2 |
3 | TaxHandlingType | String | 1 | Default tax handling type | countrygroup |
3 | BalanceLimit | Decimal | 1 | Customer's balance limit, two decimal accuracy. | |
3 | DefaultSalesPerson | String | 0...1 | Name of the default sales person | |
3 | DiscountPercentage | Numeric | 0...1 | Discount percentage | 10 |
3 | PriceGroup | String | 0...1 | Price group in which customer is linked | |
3 | FactoringAccount | String | 0...1 | Customer's factoring account name | Factoring |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | Numeric | 1 | Factoring account's NetvisorID | 1 |
3 | InvoicingLanguage | String | 0...1 | Customer's invoicing language | FI |
Attr. | type | String | 1 | Always ISO-3166 | |
3 | EUStandardFinvoice | Numeric | 0...1 | E-invoice that complies w/ EU standard. 1= Yes, 0 = No. | 1 |
3 | InCollectionProhibitation | Numeric | 1 | Collection prohibition, 1=yes, 0=no. | 1 |
3 | CustomerDimensions | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
4 | Dimension | Aggr. | 0...n | ||
5 | DimensionName | String | 1 | Customer specific dimension header | Animals |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | Dimension header Netvisor ID | 4 |
5 | DimensionItem | String | 1 | Customer specific dimension name | Cats |
Attr. | NetvisorKey | String | 1 | Dimension Netvisor ID | 117 |
2 | AdditionalInformation | Aggr. | 0...1 | ||
3 | ReceivablesManagement | Aggr. | 1 | Customer's invoicing details | |
4 | TurnoverDays | Numeric | 1 | The turnover days for customer's invoices | 42 |
4 | TurnoverDeviation | Numeric | 1 | The turnover deviation for customer's invoices | 28 |
Change Log
Date | Change | Description |
12.12.2024 | New element InCollectionProhibitation | Response now includes information regarding the collection prohibition status. |
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