This guide covers the creation and management of additional information fields in sales functions within the Netvisor system. Additional information fields are available for internal tracking of customers, products, offers, orders, and invoices. These fields allow for the addition of desired extra information to sales functions (customer card, product card, offer, order, and invoice). All this additional information is for internal use within Netvisor, so customers do not see the additional information stored for them unless specific fields are selected to be visible, for example, on an invoice.


Management of Additional Information Fields

Additional information fields can be managed through the Company's basic information and settings, and from the page that opens, click the Additional Information Fields link under the Additional Settings heading.

Creating a new additional information field and editing an existing one are done in the same view. 

Adding a New Additional Information Field

A new additional information field can be created by clicking the Add new additional information field link.

If a new additional information field is created and the type is selected as Dropdown list, values can be added to the list only after saving the basic information.

Options for Data Visibility

  • Visible to customer = visible on the customer card
  • Visible on invoice = Visible on offer, order, and invoice
  • Visible on product = Visible on the product card
  • Visible on task = Visible in task information (if the company has the CRM section in use)

The added information does not necessarily need to be visible in any of the aforementioned places. However, they are always available as limiting conditions in the search function (extended search in customer and product listings, as well as sales order and invoice lists).


  • Dropdown list = The values of the dropdown list are defined by the user
  • Text = A field where text can be entered
  • Decimal number = Numeric field
  • Date = Date field

Setting Values in a Dropdown List

When creating a new additional information field, the table containing the values of the dropdown list appears only after saving the name of the additional information field (and visibility settings).

Adding a new value is done through the Add a new value to the dropdown list link. The link opens a page where the value can be entered. After saving, you return to the "Additional Information Field" page, and the added value now appears in the table.

Editing an Added Value

A value can be edited by clicking its name. This takes you to the same page as adding a new value. When the text is changed and the value is saved, the updated information appears in the table.

Deleting an Added Value

An added value can be deleted by clicking the red cross next to it.

Example of Using an Additional Information Field 1.

You want to know and track how a new customer was acquired. Once the name of the additional information field is saved, the necessary options can be manually added to the dropdown list, e.g., meeting, campaign, advertisement, and website. This "Customer Source" additional information is selected to be visible only in customer information. The information is a good search criterion and informative and effective data in reporting when you want to analyze the company's marketing channels, for example.

The additional information field appears on the customer card tab "Edit Additional Information Fields".

Once the customer source is saved behind the customers, it can be selected as a search criterion through the extended search in the Customer Listing, allowing you to report, for example, all customers acquired through advertisements.

Example of Using an Additional Information Field 2.

You want the country of arrival and the pickup and export location to be visible on the offer, order, and invoice.

In this example, the country of arrival is saved in the additional information fields as a dropdown list, and the pickup and export location as a text field.

Thus, these added additional information fields are visible on the offer and order additional information tab.

On the sales invoice, the additional information fields can be found under the Sales Invoice Functions button.

These additional information fields are also printed on the invoice material. The additional information fields do not go to the e-invoice message. 

Keywords: Netvisor, additional information fields, sales, customer card, product card, order, invoice, dropdown list


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