This guide covers the use of the PDF eKirje printing service, which allows the sending of various documents through the printing service. The guide includes information on service limitations, billing principles, implementation, Maventa account requirements, scheduling, and the sending process.



The PDF eKirje printing service allows the sending of not only invoices but also offers, orders, supplier address notifications, collection letters, and notices, as well as payslips through the printing service - even abroad. The service is implemented with Maventa and is available alongside the e-invoice sending service. Sales documents can be sent with a custom logo uploaded to Netvisor. The document is printed for the recipient exactly as it appears when printed by oneself. Printing can be done in both black and white and color. 

Attachments can also be added to orders and invoices. Attachments are added to the invoice either in the printing/sending process view or through Netvisor's eScan service, from where they can be attached to invoices in PDF format. Attachments can be sent to the printing service along with orders and invoices. If your attachments are in color, we recommend using color printing.


PDF files sent to the printing service must not contain unembedded fonts. We recommend scanning attachments to be sent to the printing service in image format.
Currently, the recommended PDF version is 1.3, but no material is rejected solely based on the version. However, newer versions may easily encounter issues with layers, transparencies, etc.

For colored material, we recommend color printing: in black and white printing, colored attachments are sometimes rejected. The sending of a PDF eKirje cannot be canceled once the send materials to the PDF eKirje printing service button has been pressed.

Billing Principles

The opening of the PDF eKirje printing service is free of charge. Printed invoices are charged according to the price list unit price, which includes printing the first invoice page, the envelope, placing it in the envelope, and the selected letter class postage. If the sales invoice requires a second or more pages, these are billed separately according to the price list .


You can enable the PDF eKirje printing service through the Netvisor Store. Access the Store by hovering over the Store icon and selecting Enable under the PDF eKirje printing service in the Electronic Service Channels menu.

Maventa Account

To be able to send documents to the printing service, the company's Maventa account must be in use and connected to Netvisor. You can find instructions for opening the Maventa connection on the Maventa Connection page.

If the company's Maventa account has previously been used in another system where prints have been routed through Maventa, the company's printing service account should be manually connected to Netvisor using a username and password. Instructions can be found on the PDF eKirje Printing Service Credentials page.

Scheduling and Processing

The customer's material is delivered to the service provider in PDF format

The material is sent from the Netvisor program to the service provider, and material sent from the Netvisor program cannot be canceled after sending. If necessary, you can contact the recipient of the material to disregard it.

Invoices printed from Netvisor before 22:30 usually make it to the last daily dispatch to the provider

Material arriving at the provider's server by 24:00 on working days (Mon-Fri) is processed the next working day. It is printed, enveloped, and left for distribution by Posti as Priority or Economy class letters.

Electronic documents are delivered to NetPost on the same or faster schedule as corresponding Priority and Economy class letters.

Priority Letter (1st class), Domestic:

Priority PDF files arriving at the provider's server by 24:00 on working days (Mon-Fri) are processed the next working day. They are printed, enveloped, and distributed in basic distribution with the certainty separately confirmed in Posti's general delivery terms the next working day, and the rest by the second working day at the latest. The total delivery time is 2-3 working days.

Economy Letter (2nd class), Domestic:

Economy PDF files arriving at the provider's server by 24:00 on working days (Mon-Fri) are processed the next working day. They are printed, enveloped, and distributed in basic distribution with the certainty separately confirmed in Posti's general delivery terms within the next three working days, and the rest by the fourth working day at the latest. Economy letters with the correct address are distributed to recipients with 96% certainty within the next three working days after being posted, and the rest by the fourth working day at the latest. Thus, the total delivery time from when the material is left on the provider's server by 24:00 on working days (Mon-Fri) until the recipient receives the letter is 5-6 working days.

Letters Going Abroad:

Priority letters addressed abroad are delivered from Finland towards the destination country the next working day or on a working Saturday or otherwise on the first available connection. Shipments are mainly delivered to the destination country by air and distributed to recipients in the destination country within the delivery time defined by the destination country.

Sending Material

To send an invoice as a PDF eKirje, the invoice must have address information.

When the invoice is ready, press the Send Invoice button at the bottom of the invoice, which moves the invoice to the sending process.

In the sending process, select the Send to PDF eKirje Printing Service button. If necessary, the sending channel should be changed, as Netvisor offers the most electronic sending channel by default, and if there is an e-invoice address behind the customer, this is offered primarily.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enable the PDF eKirje service?

Activate the service through the Netvisor Store by selecting "Enable".

What does the billing include?

The billing includes the printing of the invoice page, the envelope, postage, and additional pages as extra costs.

Can I cancel PDF eKirje sendings?

Sendings cannot be canceled after pressing the button.

How do I ensure Maventa account compatibility?

Manually connect the account if it was previously in another system.

Keywords: PDF eKirje, printing service, Netvisor, Maventa, sales documents, billing

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