Resource: purchaseinvoiceaccrual.nv
HTTP-method: POST
Purchase invoice can be accrued by giving start month and year and end month and year or start month and year or divisioncurve. Accual end time can not be before the start time and start time can be invoice's event month at the earliest. The invoice accrued can't be accounted. The purchase invoice can not be accrued on a locked period.
When using divisioncurve the accrual can have monthly percentage values. When using start month and year and end month and year the accrual is done using even percentage for the given time span. For example 3/2021-4/2021 accrues the invoice rows for March and April with 50%.
The following describes the XML message to import (POST) purchase invoice accrual into Netvisor:
Level | Element | Format | Occurs | Description | Example |
Root | root | Aggr. | 1 | ||
1 | purchaseinvoiceaccrual | Aggr. | 1 | Purchase invoice accrual | |
2 | invoiceidentifier | Aggr. | 1 | Purchase invoice identifier, either NetvisorID or invoice number | |
3 | netvisorkey | Numeric | 0...1 | Purchase invoice NetvisorID | 123 |
3 | invoicenumber | String | 0...1 | Purchase invoice number | 123 |
2 | accrualrule | Aggr. | 1 | Accrual rule | |
3 | startmonth | Numeric | 1 | Accrual start month | 3 |
3 | startyear | Numeric | 1 | Accrual start year | 2021 |
3 | divisioncurvename | String, max 250 | 0...1 | Division curve name, has to be unique | Depreciations |
3 | endmonth | Numeric | 0...1 | Accrual end month | 4 |
3 | endyear | Numeric | 0...1 | Accrual end year | 2021 |
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