This guide covers how to create, manage, and utilize customer groups in pricing within Rackbeat. The guide also covers the use of customer groups in reporting and their transfer to Netvisor.


Customer groups are used to categorize customers for reporting purposes. They can also be used to manage price lists specific to each customer group. You can access customer groups by going to Sales > Customer Groups.

Customer Groups

In Rackbeat, at least one customer group must be created. If customers are imported from Netvisor to Rackbeat, the customer groups are based on the customer groups in Netvisor.

If customer groups are created in Rackbeat, they will be transferred and based in Netvisor when an order from a customer with a new customer group is transferred to Netvisor.

Customer groups can also be used as a basis for pricing. A percentage discount can be given to a customer group, or product-specific prices can be recorded on the Products tab, affecting the sales of all customers belonging to the customer group.

Editing a Customer Group

Info Tab

Below are the fields listed on the info tab.

  • Number = Customer group number (optional)
  • Name = Customer group name
  • Discount = If a percentage discount is desired for every customer in the customer group, it is set in this field
  • Update discount for customers = If a percentage discount is given to the customer group, this option ensures it updates for the group's customers 

Customer Group Products

Below are the functions of the products tab.

  • Search = Search for a specific product by name or product code. Results update in the pricing table below the search field
  • Product Group = Select products based on the product group for the pricing table below the search field
  • Download Data = This allows downloading the products in the pricing table to a CSV file. 

File columns:

ProductNumberSales Price
Product (Product Code)Product CodeFinal Price in Euros

The desired final price can be filled in the file, and then the file can be imported into Rackbeat.

  • Import Data = This allows importing the pricing table into the system. The correct template can be obtained using the aforementioned Download Data button. The file is given the final price in euros per product. Note! At this point, the final price is defined per customer group, meaning it applies to every customer in the customer group. The final price set for the customer group can be overridden by a customer-specific final price. However, consider the following "Update prices for customer" setting
  • Update prices for customer = If this is selected, the customer group price overrides the final price set for the customer.

Pricing Table

The pricing table lists the product, base price, and any possible customer group-specific final price. If a customer group-specific price is to be defined through the interface, a final price in euros per product is given in this table. Note! The price is saved once the user moves from one field to another. So when the price for one row is given, it is saved when the cursor moves to another row on the screen.

Keywords: Customer Group, Customer Group Pricing, Customer Group Products

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