This guide answers frequently asked questions regarding permissions. Permissions can be found in Netvisor through the following path: Select "users and permissions" from the company menu under the company name in the "users and roles" section. This view is only accessible to users with the roles of accounting firm's main user (TPK), user administrator (KH), or auditor (TT). Among these, TPK/KH users can edit other users' permissions.


Adding a User and Roles

How to add a new user? 

Managing permissions requires a KH role and/or a TPK role. You can add a new user to the company's environment as follows: Select from the menu under the company name > Users and roles > link "Add new user" or add permission for a person outside the company > A new window opens for creating a user, where the identification method is first selected > A Finnish user can only be added with a Finnish personal identity code. A foreign user is added with a Netvisor identifier. More information on adding a new user here: Users - Adding and Managing Permissions

How to add an Accounting Firm's Main User (Assigning TPK Role)

The TPK role can only be added by another TPK or KH+main user. Adding the TPK role is done through permission copying or, in exceptional cases, by Netvisor support. Once the TPK role is obtained, the user is automatically added as a user to new companies established by the accounting firm. More information on permission copying here:  Permission Copying

Adding an Auditor and Permissions

An auditor can be added and removed with KH (user administrator) or TPK (accounting firm's main user) rights. If the company uses Netvisor Payroll, adding an auditor requires either KH+main user or TPK permissions. Additionally, rights can be added in exceptional cases through support, with a written request.

The auditor is added to the company's environment as a user like any other new user. See: Adding a User. The auditor is given the following permissions. Accounting: browsing rights + Auditor (TT) role. Payroll: browsing rights + Payroll Clerk (P) role.

The auditor's basic company should be Netvisor Auditors, so that the auditor can later be added to other companies as an auditor without issues. If after adding the auditor, the auditor's basic company is something other than Netvisor Auditors, please contact Netvisor customer support for basic company correction.

Fiscal Year Archive Rights - How to Add?

Fiscal year archive permissions are set per user. You can edit fiscal year archive rights if you have user administrator (KH) rights in the company (User administrator can also edit their own rights). The user administrator can set fiscal year archive permissions from service management (Under the company name, "Fiscal Year Archive Permissions"). If the option to save material to the fiscal year archive is given, the user must also have editing rights to the fiscal year archive in basic rights. More information on fiscal year archive rights here: Fiscal Year Archive Rights

How can I assign the Payroll Clerk (P) role to a user? 

These roles can be assigned by the company's main user who also has User Administrator rights (KH). Clients of the accounting firm can also request roles from the accounting firm's main user (TPK). More about the payroll role here: Permissions: Payroll Clerk Role (P Role)

Basic Company in Netvisor

Basic Company and What It Means?

The basic company is the company to which the user was originally established in Netvisor. The basic company of users can be seen in the Users and Roles listing in the basic company column. If the user's basic company shows ***, it means that the user's basic company is a company to which they do not have permissions. More about the basic company here: Basic Company in Netvisor

Changing the Basic Company

If a user's right to their basic company is removed, they cannot log into any other company, even if they have rights to them.  If logging in is blocked due to the basic company,  the user will see a pop-up window the next time they log into Netvisor, from which they can select a new basic company for themselves. If the user does not see a pop-up window to select a new  basic company, Netvisor support can make the change. Users cannot change other users' basic companies.

The basic company cannot be changed in Netvisor in a situation where it is desired to change it without other changes in permissions. If a user needs to change the basic company, they should contact Netvisor support. 

Removing a User and Permissions

How to remove a user?

Only users with KH and/or TPK roles can remove user permissions. 

Removing a user is done as follows: Go to Users and Roles under the company name > open the user by clicking the user's name > All company permissions of the user are visible when clicking the link "Other user permissions". Permissions are removed by clicking the link in the "Remove" column on the row of the company to be removed. More information on removing a user here: Users - Adding and Managing Permissions

I see my former companies in my menu, how do I remove my permissions?

Users cannot remove themselves from a company; instead, permissions are managed by the company's KH and TPK users. If you see companies in the company search menu that you should no longer have access to, you should primarily contact the company to have your permissions removed.

How to remove permissions from a user? (e.g., removing the tpk role)

If you want to remove the TPK role from a user, this is done using the permission copying tool. Permissions should be copied to the user from someone who does not have the TPK role. Permission copying requires user administrator (KH) and/or accounting firm's main user (TPK) rights in the companies to which permissions are being copied. The user making the copy must not have a profile with no rights (sales, products, purchases, and financial management section profile), but must have at least some rights for the tool to open.

Company's Main User

How to add/change the company's main user?

The company's main user can be changed by a person with a KH role. This is done under the company name in Users and Roles > above the user listing > More actions button > Set company main user > select the desired user from the menu.

Main User Rights

The main user role authorizes the following actions:

-Enabling service sections
-Signing contracts in the service
-If the main user also has User Administrator rights (KH), they can add other KH-level users to the company and grant Payroll Clerk rights to necessary individuals.

It should be noted that the main user does not automatically receive all rights or access to service sections, but must be given the necessary permissions and roles as usual.

Verification and Approval Rights

What permissions are needed for verifying and approving purchase invoices?

Basic functions of accounts payable (editing), Views and lists of accounts payable (editing), Additionally, sales and accounts payable rights must define the right to verify and/or approve purchase invoices. More about verifying and approving purchase invoices here: Verification, Posting, and Approval

What permissions are needed to edit purchase invoice details?

Editing purchase invoice details requires editing rights to accounts payable views and lists, as well as editing rights to basic functions of accounts payable.

Payment Rights

What permissions are needed to pay purchase invoices?

To pay purchase invoices, you need the purchase invoice payer right in sales and accounts payable rights and editing rights to payments in function-specific rights under accounts payable. More information on paying purchase invoices here: Paying Purchase Invoices

What permissions are needed to pay bank transfers?

To pay bank transfers from Netvisor, you must have the bank transfer payer right in sales and accounts payable rights, and function-specific rights must also include editing rights to payments. Additionally, editing rights are needed for bank transfers. More about paying bank transfers here: Approval and Payment of Bank Transfers

What permissions are needed to pay salaries?

Editing rights in payroll function-specific rights to Payroll > Payments.

Purchase invoice and salary payer rights in sales and accounts payable rights. Additionally, if the salary payer pays bank transfers, then also bank transfer payment rights. 

What permissions are needed to pay travel expenses?

Editing rights in payroll function-specific rights to Payroll > Payments.

Purchase invoice and salary payer rights in sales and accounts payable rights. Additionally, if the salary payer pays bank transfers, then also bank transfer payment rights

Controller Permissions

What permissions are needed for using the Controller?

Each Controller user must have the "Access to Controller page" in function-specific rights. This is ready in the All Rights profile. A user with the accounting firm's main user role (TPK) automatically gets Controller main user rights. Without the TPK role, one of the following Netvisor rights must be in the company where the service is to be used to access the Controller: Accountant (KP), User Administrator (KH), Accounting Firm's Main User (TPK), Company's Main User, Company User Profile, or All Rights Profile.

Adding Users to the Controller after Implementation

After implementation, other Netvisor users must be added as users via the Add New button by the main user. Here it is chosen whether the user is added as a main user or a user. Own permissions cannot be edited. If a user moving to the Controller does not have rights to the Controller section, the user is notified of the lack of permissions and shown the name of the main user to contact. User addition becomes selectable in the controller when the data has been updated at least once after the user addition. If you want to add a user just established in Netvisor, the controller data must be updated manually, and then this new user is selectable in the Controller. More information on Controller implementation here: New Controller - Implementation and Permissions

Logging into Netvisor

Why can't I log into Netvisor?

Common reasons why a user's login is blocked:

-The user does not have a valid permission to their Netvisor basic company. As a result, logging into the service is blocked. In this situation, see the guide on changing the basic company: Changing the Basic Company

-The user is established in Netvisor only as an employee. An employee can log into the Netvisor browser version only if they are also established in Netvisor as an actual user. Just having employee status is not enough. The user can be added directly from employees to a user, see the guide: Adding a User from Company Employees

Can I choose which company opens by default when I log into Netvisor?

You can select the company you use the most as your default login company with the option "Set as default login company" under the company search. More information on the company menu and navigation in the interface here: Navigation in the Interface

How do I log into the Netvisor Mobile app?

You can log into the app without Netvisor user credentials, but you can only log into the Netvisor browser version if the person is also established in Netvisor as an actual user (just being an employee is not enough). 

There is a separate guide for logging into the service with the Netvisor mobile app here. The guide also contains more detailed information, e.g., on inviting a foreign user (= no Finnish bank credentials).

Logging in as a Foreign User

The primary way to log in and use the Netvisor mobile app is always Finnish bank credentials or a mobile certificate. If a foreign person does not have Finnish online banking credentials and cannot obtain them, the alternative is to invite them as a Netvisor mobile app user. A foreign user can be invited by a person with the User Administrator (KH) or Accounting Firm's Main User (TPK) role.

The invited user sees the sender of the invitation and the company name and receives a 16-character activation code, which they must enter into the Netvisor mobile app. The user completes the authentication by entering the 6-digit confirmation code received via SMS into the app. More about adding, inviting, and logging in as a foreign user is explained in this guide: Adding, Logging in, and Inviting a Foreign User

Keywords: faq, frequently asked questions, permissions, login, payment

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