This guide helps you update your company's billing addresses for Netvisor's service billing. The guide covers the necessary roles and functions for editing billing addresses and updating the Maventa connection.

Updating Your Company's Billing Address for Netvisor's Service Billing

The address information for Netvisor's service billing is visible to companies that are billed directly for the use of the program. Updating billing addresses affects your company's Netvisor service billing. Your company's billing addresses are not automatically generated in Netvisor. You can update your company's billing addresses from the Company Menu > Netvisor Service Billing page. You can access the page if the user has editing rights to the company's basic information. In this case, you can see the current billing addresses for Netvisor's service billing (upper part of the image below). If the user has a TPK or KH role or is the company's main user, they can also edit the billing information (lower part of the image below). 

If the company has a Maventa connection in use, it should also be updated in the e-invoice address field. Netvisor service bills are always sent primarily as e-invoices. 

Keywords: Netvisor, billing address, service billing, Maventa connection, company information, user rights

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