Accounting reports can be found from Financials > Bookkeeping reports.

Access rights to see reports

In order to see access accounting reports, the user must have at least viewing authorization rights to "Perusraportointi", "Kirjanpidon perustoiminnot" and "Kirjanpidon raporttihakuehdot" (see picture below) in function specific rights.

With these rights the user is able to open reports and vouchers but can't make changes to them. If vouchers are supposed to be unable to open then don't give rights to "Kirjanpidon perustoiminnot".

The reports can be directly seen with "Yrityskäyttäjä" and "Kaikki oikeudet" profiles.

When opening "Bookkeeping reports" there will open a view where the user will choose designated report and add search conditions.


  • Voucher browsing (there is a possibility to narrow options to only distinguishing vouchers)
  • General ledger (Catalog of transactions ordered by issue)
  • Journal (Catalog of transactions ordered by date)
  • Profit- and loss statement, variation
  • Profit- and loss statement, comparison to budget
  • Profit- and loss statement, comparison to budget and additional rows
  • Profit- and loss statement with variable costs (requires to create account numbers between 4500-4999, see below)
  • Profit- and loss statement, comparison to turnover
  • Profit- and loss statement, monthly
  • Profit- and loss statement, comparison to group  (requires "Group handling" additional service.  The report must be taken from elimination company. Requires "User administration" rights to all company of the group.)
  • Balance sheet
  • Balance sheet, comparison to group (requires "Group handling" additional service.  The report must be taken from elimination company. Requires "User administration" rights to all companies of the group.)
  • Account balance
  • Attachment data documents. Shows financial statement's attachment data vouchers.
  • Statistics

Form of report: Choose the wanted report.

Financial period: Select the financial period or search from specified time period.

Voucher type: Choose the specific type of voucher. All vouchers will be searched by default.

Account number range: Choose the wanted account number range or for example search between specific range.

Voucher number range: Choose from which range you search vouchers.

Object heading: Choose the wanted cost object. You can add multiple cost objects with green "+" button.

Specification: Search for example vouchers that includes wanted specifications.

Sum: Search with wanted sum or sum range.

VAT-rate: Search with wanted VAT-rate or VAT-code.

Report language: Choose between Finnish, Swedish or English.

Show only distinguishing vouchers: Searches only vouchers that don't have the same credit and debit.

Show only invalidated vouchers: Searches also invalidated vouchers.

To printable form: Makes the report to printable form straight away.


Variable costs reports

There can be created accounts for variable costs in account catalog. It's possible to have them on same account groups as fixed costs. When the account number is between 4500-4599, the accounts will be differentiated at Profit- and loss statement, variable costs.


It's possible to create a shortcut for report that is visible at the home page of Netvisor. If you own "User administration" rights it's possible to set the shortcut for chosen users to see. You can add multiple users for shortcut by holding CTRL and clicking the user.

If you want that the user is only able to see reports, you must set the right as following from function specific rights:


In this way the user is able to see shortcut on both bookkeeping and cost objecting reports. The user can see the voucher number but can't open it unless you give more rights (opening a voucher requires viewing authorization for "Kirjanpidon perustoiminnot").

The shortcut can be removed by the creator from report view.

Cost object reporting

Cost object reporting is for viewing account balance and transactions regarding cost objects. The controller view is included in the report view. In order to access cost object reports the user must have editing authorization to "Perusraportointi" and at least viewing authorization for "Kirjanpidon raporttihakuehdot" from function specific rights.









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